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AAA, CMLL Comment On Wrestler’s Recent Gender Violence Complaint

CMLL wrestler Stephanie Vaquer recently filed a gender violence complaint against a AAA wrestler, and now both promotions have spoken out about the incident.

AAA first issued a statement (translated) in response to Vaquer filing a complaint against Cuartero, one of their performers and current Trios Champion.

“From Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide we endorse the respect and equality of all women, therefore we reject all expressions of gender violence. That is why we are dismayed by the serious complaint that has been made against the fighter “Cuartero”. We will be very attentive to the resolutions issued by the authorities; always respectful of all procedures dictated by the laws of our country. We will continue working with all our efforts to fight for equality for all women and to give visibility to the prevention of gender violence at all levels.”

Since then, CMLL has also issued a statement on the matter, offering its support to Vaquer. The (translated) statement from CMLL is below:

“To the media, fans and people who are part of the wrestling community. At the Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre we join the solidarity, support and respect that, towards Stephanie Vaquer, has been manifested by fans and the media.

“We strongly condemn any form of violence against women and we reiterate our commitment to encourage our collaborators and attendees to our arenas, a life free of violence and harassment. We ask fans and the media for your support and respect for Stephanie Vaquer in these difficult times, as well as being prudent and respectful until she makes the appropriate public statements.”

Vaquer filed the complaint with the Mexico City Attorney General’s Office last week. The complaint was first shared by El Planchitas on social media on March 4.

The original statement from AAA is below:

Desde Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide refrendamos el respeto y la igualdad de todas las mujeres, por lo tanto rechazamos todas las expresiones de violencia de género. Es por eso que nos encontramos consternados por la grave denuncia que se ha hecho en contra del luchador “Cuartero”.

Estaremos muy atentos a las resolunciones emitidas por las autoridades; siempre respetusos de todos los procedimientos que dictan las leyes de nuestro país.

Seguiremos trabajando con todo nuestro empeño para luchar por la igualdad de todas las mujeres y para darle visibilidad a la prevención de la violencia de género en todos los niveles.

The original statement from CMLL is below:

A medios de comunicación, aficionados y personas que forman parte de la comunidad luchística.

En el Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre nos unimos a la solidaridad, apoyo y respeto que, hacia Stephanie Vaquer se ha mnifestado por parte de aficionados y medios.

Condenamos energicamente cualquier forma de violencia contra las muejeres y reiteramos nuestro comprimiso para fomentar en nuestras colaboradoras y asistentes a nuestras arenas, una vida libre de violencia y acoso.

Pedimos a los aficionados y los medios de comnicacion su apoyo y respeto para Stephanie Vaquer en estos difíciles momentos, ademas de ser prudentes y respetuosos hasta que ella haga las declaraciones públicas que correspondan.

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