IMPACT Wrestling No Surrender Results (2/24/23) – Josh Alexander vs. Rich Swann

IMPACT Wrestling No Surrender Results – February 24, 2023

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of IMPACT No Surrender!

Countdown: Gisele Shaw vs. Deonna Purrazzo

Shaw controls the early minutes by working Deonna in the corner. Purrazzo comes back with a Side Russian Legsweep into a Fujiwara Armbar. Shaw drops Deonna into a flatliner, cover. Deonna manages to lock in the armbar again, but Shaw crawls and reaches the bottom rope with her leg. Deonna goes for Queen’s Gambit, but Savannah Evans runs in and hits a Full Nelson Slam when Jai distracts the ref. Shaw slams Purrazzo and covers for the win.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

Countdown: Jonathan Gresham vs. Mike Bailey

Lock up to start. Gresham dodges a kick and they go back to locking up. They trade chops until Bailey sends Gresham out of the ring with a kick. Back inside, Bailey sends Gresham to the corner for kicks but Gresham turns things around and locks up Bailey’s legs on the mat. Bailey gets trapped in a figure four but reaches the rope to break it. They stand up and meet in the middle of the ring to trade more chops and kicks slowly. Bailey moonsaults out of the ring. Back inside, Bailey’s leg gives out so Gresham clotheslines him. In the end, Gresham clobbers Bailey again and covers for the three.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

A video package opens the main card and we see footage of Rich Swann walking into the building. Director of Authority Santino Marella comes down to the ring. He says “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” is no longer applicable in the cell phone era. He then welcomes out Frankie Kazarian for the opening match.

Frankie Kazarian vs. Kon

Santino joins commentary. Kon charges out the gate but Kaz dodges. Kaz throws punches but then gets whipped across. Kaz rolls back in the ring and chops. Kaz clotheslines Kon out of the ring, but Kon lands on his feet. Outside, Kaz delivers more chops until Kon flattens him with a clothesline. Kon chops away at Kaz’s chest before rolling him back in. Kon drops Kaz with a back boody drop, then delivers an elbow drop, cover. Kaz gets out of a crucifix bomb but gets taken back down anyway for a cover.

Kaz gets whipped across the ring and falls over the ropes. Kaz gets up and tries to knock Kon off the apron before hitting him with a legdrop in the ropes, and then again for good measure. Kon comes back with a shoulder block. Kaz lands a reverse DDT, nearfall. Kaz tries for a chicken wing but clubs away at Kon’s back. Kaz goes for the hold again but Kon powers him into the corner for elbows. Kon goes for a diving headbutt and misses. Kaz rolls him up and then applies the chicken wing. Angels distracts the ref while Sami grabs a chair. Kaz throws Kon in the way of the chair shot from Callihan. Kaz nails the big cutter on Kon for the win.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

Backstage, Gia Miller talks to Brian Myers about tonight’s four-way. Myers says he’s focus on finally becoming a world champion. Myers also hopes Moose beats Hendry tonight.

Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: Death Dollz (c) vs. The Hex

Taya and Kay start with punches. Kay gets the upper hand first and takes Taya over to tag Marti who attempts a cover. Taya does a corner elbow and tags Jessicka. Jessicka goes into party mode real quick and winds up the elbow. It’s not enough as Kay knocks her down so Marti can continue the beat down in the ropes. Hex double team Jessicka and Kay hits a hip attack. Jessicka powers out of a headlock and Kay taunts Taya. Marti chokes Jessicka in the meantime.

Marti tags in and elbows Taya on the other side. Jessicka breaks free and both tag out. Taya unloads on Kay with strikes and kicks. Blue Thunder Bomb from Taya, cover. Kay goes for a roundhouse but Taya wraps her up and stomps her head into the mat. Hex tries to double team but Taya withstands. Kay drops Taya and covers. Kay and Taya up top for a headbutt. Taya slips through and powerbombbs Kay but Belle got the tag. Jessicka is legal and sick kicks Marti. Taya spears Kay. Kay kicks Taya and everyone collides. Jessicka choke bombs Kay. Jessicka hits Marti with the Sick Driver to retain.

Winners: Death Dollz (c)

Dot Combat Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs. Moose

This is a Dot Combat match where anything goes. Hendry cuts a promo first and reiterates his message of “We Believe.” Moose enters and immediately attacks Hendry, choking him with his ring robe. Moose retrieves a gaming system, computer keyboard, and chair from under the ring. Hendry blinds Moose with the jacket and they go outside. Moose slams Hendry through a table. Back inside, Hendry comes back with the game system to the head.

Moose kicks a toy car out of the ring but Hendry power slams him. Hendry retrieves a box and finds an RC car. The remote doesn’t work so Hendry just launches the car at Moose’s midsection. Hendry is whipped into a chair and then Moose lands Sky High for a cover. Moose looks around and finds a bag full of keyboard key caps rather than tacks. Moose slams him to the mat. They goo up top and Hendry lands a huge suplex onto the key caps, nearfall.

Moose grabs a steel chair and Hendry finds an office chair. Moose gets hit and then pop up powerbombed for a nearfall. Hendry puts a VR headset on Moose and Moose is in a virtual club so he dances. Then it cuts to a Moose music video. Moose takes it off and eats a cutter into the key caps but he kicks out. Moose low blows, nearfall. Hendry counters a spear. Moose rolls up, then Hendry counters with a roll up and pulls the tights for the three.

Winner: Joe Hendry (c)

Gia Miller talks to Mickie James about Masha. Mickie can’t wait to clear up the Jordynne controversy, but she knows what Masha is capable of tonight.

Busted Open Live with Dave LaGreca, Tommy Dreamer & Bully Ray

Dave LaGreca welcomes Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray out for the first live Busted Open interview in front of a sold-out crowd. Bully has 60 seconds to talk first. He remains silent for awhile and tells LaGreca to back off. “I’m sorry,” is his first statement. Time is up. Tommy has 60 seconds to respond. “Are you kidding me?” Dreamer can’t believe that’s all he said from his minute to speak. Dreamer brings up being at the hospital with Bully while his mother was dying.

Bully agrees that this has gone too far and has gone too deep. Bully asks if they can get rid of the time restraint so they can talk. Bully says he was wrong about Dreamer’s mother and says she’s always been awesome to him. Bully watched the nWo documentary on Sunday and saw the way Kevin Nash talked about the late Scott Hall. Bully says he and Dreamer have always been that tight and thought about what it would be like if something happened. Bully says he would be at Dreamer’s funeral carrying his casket.

Bully says he doesn’t need to team up or a hug or anything. He just wants to be on good terms. Dreamer says there won’t be any hugs and says they should just go separate ways. Dreamer says, “you happy?” and Bully throws a cup of coffee in his eyes. Bully also takes out LaGreca and continues yelling at Dreamer. Bully taunts all of the announcers as he exits.

Gia Miller interviews Rich Swann. Steve Maclin interrupts and says he hopes Swann wins the title tonight so that he can beat him again.

#1 Contenders Match: Steve Maclin vs. Heath vs. PCO vs. Brian Myers

Everyone targets PCO to start but he comes back with right hands all around. Maclin and PCO spill out. Heath and Myers trade blows. PCO is whipped into the ring post. Heath takes them all out at ringside. PCO does a moonsault off the top rope. Myers dumps PCO onto the floor. Maclin and Myers team up to shove PCO under the ring.

Heath gets double teamed in the ring. Maclin drops Heath onto his knee, cover. Heath dumps Maclin out but turns around into an attack from Myers. Myers poses but PCO crawls out from under the ring. PCO and Maclin duke it out until PCO dives out onto Myers. Heath clotheslines and power slams Maclin. Heath hits Wake Up Call but Maclin rolls to the apron and is hit with a rolling PCO. Myers rolls Heath up, then a spear connects. PCO drops Myers with a DDT and then goes up top for a moonsault. Eddie breaks up the pin with a shovel. Heath hits Myers with a Wake Up Call. Maclin drops Heath and covers for the three.

Winner: Steve Maclin

Trey Miguel comes out to the stage with a mic. He’s upset about being left off the card despite being X-Division Champion. He brings up the former great champions while walking toward the ring. Trey runs into PCO and gets chokeslammed.

Motor City Machine Guns & KUSHIDA vs. KENTA, Chris Bey & Ace Austin

Kenta and Kushida start with mat grappling. Kushida rolls Kenta into an armbar. They attempt pinfalls but come to a stand still. Bey gets the tag and throws some punches. Shelley comes in and works the left arm. Ace comes in and targets Shelley’s left arm as revenge. Ace cuts Shelley’s hand with the Ace card. Sabin tries to take control but gets tripped. Time Splitters hold Ace so Sabin can kick him in the face. More triple teaming happens to Bey and then Kenta next.

Shelley picks Ace’s fingers apart. Ace manages to fend off all three of Time Machine and gets a tag from Bey before whiping out Sabin and Kushida. Bey flips out onto Time Machine. Kenta goes to the outside and throws Kushida into the ring post. Back inside, Bullet Club takes turns tagging in to pick apart Kushida. Kenta boots him in the face, cover. Sabin and Bey meet again but Ace helps him double team. Sabin crossbody onto both. Shelley tosses Kenta out so Sabin can dive onto him.

Bey gets beaten up by everyone, Sabin covers. Kenta goes up top and double stomps Sabin, nearfall. Sabin hits a Brainbuster. Ace and Bey take out Time Splitters then double team Sabin. Bey covers for another nearfall. Sabin hits a tornado DDT on Ace. Kushida drops in with kicks and a handspring elbow to Ace. Bey breaks it up. Everyone breaks down with kicks and takedowns. Ace gets stopped by Time Machine. Kushida moonsaults but Shelley gets stopped by Bey. Ace pulls Sabin into a cover for a three out of nowhere.

Winners: Ace Austin, Chris Bey & KENTA

Knockouts World Championship: Mickie James (c) vs. Masha Slamovich

Lock up to start. Mickie takes it to the mat with a headlock. Masha powers out and locks up Mickie’s left wrist. Mickie turns it around and pulls on Masha’s left arm. Mickie delivers a few kicks to knock Masha down, cover. Masha gets on top of Mickie and throws several right hands. Masha goes for a headlock but Mickie bits Masha’s tongue! Masha applies a Kimura Lock in response. Mickie powers out but eats a kick to the head. Masha goes back to forearm smashes on the mat.

Masha dropkicks Mickie out of the ring and then dives onto her. Back inside, they trade several forearm shots until Mickie lands a neckbreaker and then a flapjack. Mickie goes up top but gets kicked on her way up. Masha follows and throws hands. Mickie punches back and Masa falls. Mickie hits the seated senton for a cover. Mickie does a spinning backfist and covers again. Masha drops Mickie with a driver, two. Masha goes for a kick, but Mickie reverses into a single leg crab. Masha locks Mickie in a chokehold in the ropes has to break it. Masha goes for a Codebraker, but Mickie manages to stack on top of her for the three count to retain.

Winner: Mickie James (c)

IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander (c) vs. Rich Swann

Josh offers a handshake but Swann says he won’t do it until after the bout. Alexander takes Swann to the corner but backs off. After a stare down, Josh targets the left leg. Swann slaps Josh before getting the champ trapped in a left arm hold on the mat. Back on their feet, Josh slaps his challenger. Alexander is kicked in the head and falls out. Swann sentons off the apron. Back inside, Swann applies a chin lock. Josh picks up the pace with a roll through German suplex into a cover.

Josh chops Swann and they go outside. Back elbows from Swann but Josh hits the spine. Back in, Alexander continues picking Swann apart with kicks and an elbow to the face. Swann fires back with back hands before they both fall to the outside. Swann is tossed up on the turnbuckle and does a twisting splash to counter. Rolling Thunder connects inside, Swann covers. Josh chases Swann up top and Swann flips out of a German. Reverse rana on Josh for a nearfall.

Swann goes for a handspring cutter but Josh cuts him off with a body splash in the ropes. Alexander does a moonsault off the top but Swann rolls. Swann goes for a rana but Josh applies the ankle lock. Swann rolls Josh into the turnbuckle. Josh counters another rana and Alabama Slams Swann into the mat. Swann slams Josh on his neck for a nearfall. C4 Spike connects but Josh doesn’t cover in time. Swann rolls out. Josh drops Swann on the apron but Swann rolls away again.

Swann super kicks Josh and connects with Phoenix Splash for a nearfall. Swann crashes on another splash so Alexander applies the ankle lock. Swann tries punching his way out and ends up punching Josh’s head gear off to officially break it up. Josh delivers a few chops and Swann throws slaps back. They duke it out until Swann gets the cutter off the ropes, nearfall. Josh catches a cutter and hits a piledriver. Alexander hits C4 spike to end it.

Winner: Josh Alexander (c)

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