Dak Draper NWA
Image Credit: NWA

Team Rock N Roll Wins Champions Series Finals On 1/31 NWA Powerrr

Dak Draper scored a major win for himself and his team.

On the live episode of NWA Powerrr on January 31, Team Rock N Roll faced Team Tyrus in the Champions Series finals. Taya Valkyrie, Madi Wrenkowski, La Rosa Negra, Kerry Morton, Ricky Morton, Chris Adonis, Mims, Dak Draper, and Alex Taylor Willoughby competed for Team Rock N Roll. Meanwhile, Team Tyrus consisted of Samantha Starr, Robyn Renegade, Allysin Kay, Carnage, EC3, Thrillbilly Silas, Trevor Murdoch, Rolando Perez, and BLK Jeez.

In the end, Draper pinned EC3 to score the victory for his team. In doing so, he earned title titles for every member of the winning team.

Here’s how the match broke down, courtesy of our play-by-play coverage:

The match quickly breaks down into a brawl. In the ring, Kay and La Rosa Negra start the bout and take the fight to each other. Kay gets a two count with a neckbreaker. Kay counters a crossbody and drops Negra with a backbreaker. Negra slams Kay to the mat and wrenches her in a submission, and Kay taps out. Renegade enters the bout, and Negra continues to control the bout. She gets a two count with a kick to the head. Renegade rocks Negra with a dropkick. She wrenches Negra’s injured ribs and makes her tap out. Madi is the next competitor to enter the match. She rolls Robyn up for a two count. Madi pins Robyn with the Reality Check scissor kick. Starr enters the matc. Madi rolls her up for a two count.

Starr pins her with a DDT. Valkyrie enters the match, but Starr maintains the advantage. Valkyrie takes control and drops her with a clothesline. Valkyrie pins Starr with the Road to Valhalla. She calls Carnage into the ring, and a distraction from EC3 helps Carnage dump her over the ropes and eliminate her. Mims takes the fight to Carnage but quickly gets pinned with a Flatliner. Adonis enters the bout, and Carnage overpowers him. Adonis catches Carnage with a spinebuster and pins him to eliminate him. Murdoch is the next man up. He takes control and blasts Adonis with stiff blows. Adonis tosses Murdoch out of the ring to eliminate him. Murdoch pulls Adonis under the ropes and slams him into the ring post. He slams Adonis on the apron and rolls him back into the ring. Silas slams Adonis to the mat and pins him. Taylor enters, and Silas overpowers him.

Silas slams Taylor to the mat and pins him, leaving Dak Draper as the last member of Team Rock N Roll. He avoids going over the top rope and gets a two count. Draper counters a slam and pins Silas. The match comes down to EC3 and Draper. EC3 slams Draper and keeps him grounded. He overpowers Draper, who avoids getting tossed over the ropes. Draper rallies, but EC3 takes control again. EC3 slams Draper and leaves the ring to confront Ricky Morton. Draper capitalizes and manages to pin EC3 for the win.

Winners: Team Rock N Roll (Taya Valkyrie, Madi Wrenkowski, La Rosa Negra, Kerry Morton, Ricky Morton, Chris Adonis, Mims, Dak Draper, & Alex Taylor Willoughby

RELATED: NWA Powerrr Live Results (1/31): Champions Series Finals, Cardona And Tyrus Contract Signing


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