KiLynn King

KiLynn King Has Her Eye On The Ball, New Tricks Up Her Sleeve For NWA Hard Times

KiLynn King has her eye on the prize.

WrestleZone Managing Editor Bill Pritchard spoke with KiLynn King ahead of NWA Hard Times 3, where she will face Kamille and Chelsea Green for the NWA Women’s Championship. Asked how she’s feeling heading into the triple threat match, KiLynn said that she’s motivated and ready for anything.

“I’m definitely feeling very prepared. Kamille and I had a lot of things going for us the first time around [at Alwayz Ready], we both trained in the same place, had a lot of similarities, but this time we both evolved a lot. If you watch any of Kamille’s matches lately, and she’s always bringing surprises to each and every match, so I’m prepared for that. I’ve got some new tricks up my sleeve as well. I think the fact that Chelsea is in this match now, it’s only got me even more motivated,” she explained. “People want to try and throw themselves into the hat without actually winning anything, but that just motivates people who are actually winning things and working hard to push even further to find that victory and call themselves the new champion.

“So strategy-wise, I’m just going to keep my eyes open and just make sure that I work smart because Kamille and I have already proved that we can beat the crap out of each other. Now it’s just a matter of keeping my eye on the ball and making sure that I work a little bit smarter this time.”

King said that she does wish it was still a singles match and feels like it was taken away on some level, but she will adapt and overcome the situation.

“I pride myself on being prepared for anything, so it is what it is. We’re going to have fun regardless. I do have a feeling that Kamille and I are going to be taking a little bit of frustration out on Chelsea because she could have used that opportunity at any point. This was round two for Kamille and I. This was a chance for her and I to step in the ring and push each other even further this time. Like you said earlier, a bit of a full-circle moment. And now, [because of] politics and jealousy, Chelsea wants to come in here and get herself in this match. You could have waited until the match was done, saw who was the champion at the end of the night and then gone for your title opportunity,” KiLynn explained.

“But no, she decided to insert herself in a match that was already made because everybody knows that when the more people there are in a match, the more likely there is a chance for everybody else to lose. You know what I’m saying? It just takes one quick moment to find a victory. She’s trying to take advantage of that because I guarantee you she’s not going to get that victory on her own. If she gets it, she’s going to use us against each other. I guarantee it, because that’s how Chelsea works,” KiLynn explained. “Do I wish it was still a singles match? A little bit, but not because I’m not ready for a triple threat, not because I don’t enjoy the triple threat match, because this moment wasn’t supposed to happen. It was supposed to be Kamille and I, and now I feel like it’s kind of being taken away from us a little bit.”

NWA Hard Times 3 takes place on Saturday, November 12 in New Orleans. Check out our full video interview with KiLynn King at the top of this post, where she also speaks about seeing herself as a journeywoman wrestler, emulating Billy Gunn, a potential return to New Japan Pro-Wrestling, her status with AEW and more.

Read More: Chelsea Green: Fans Are Ready For A New Champion, NWA Hard Times Is My Opportunity To Win The Title

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