WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (11/1/22)

Earlier today, Zoey Stark and Indi Hartwell got into it over who deserves a title shot.

Backstage, Thea Hail is being trained before her match by Andre Chase. Hail glances over at the Chase U flag and laments that things don’t feel right. They don’t have anyone to hold the flag tonight. Duke Hudson bursts through a wall and screams that he will do it.

Thea Hail w/Andre Chase and Duke Hudson vs. Kiana James

James immediately starts working over Hail’s arm. Hail struggles as she is trapped in a modified wrist lock. James works over Hail. Hail fires up and flattens James in the corner. Running blockbuster by Hail. Hail tries a crossbody, but James catches her in midair and lands a slam. James lands a running facebuster. Hudson puts Hail’s foot on the rope, but the referee sees it. Chase tells Hudson that’s not how Chase U does things. Chase tells Hudson to leave, and he does. Back in the ring, James hit her finish for the win.

Winner- Kiana James

After the match, Dempsey hits the ring and attacks Chase from behind. Hudson makes the save.

Odessey Jones vs. Javier Bernal

Jones tosses Bernal all over the ring. Bernal dropkicks Jones in the knee. Bernal focuses his attack on Jones’ surgically repaired knee. Jones fires up and hits a Boss Man Slam for the win.

Winner- Odessey Jones


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