WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT Results (9/27/22)

North American Championship Qualifying Match: Wes Lee vs. Tony D’Angelo w/Stacks

D’Angelo and Lee trade strikes and takedowns. Lee surprised D’Angelo with a ranna. D’Angelo rolls out of the ring after a dropkick. Stacks charges into the ring to attack Lee. The referee catches Stacks with his hand in the cookie jar and ejects him from ringside. D’Angelo goes nuts. Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams are watching the match backstage. After the break, D’Angelo is working over Lee. After Lee sends D’Angelo into the middle turnbuckle, head first, The referee stops the match. The referee awards the win to Lee since D’Angelo can’t continue.

Winner- Wes Lee

Amari Miller vs. Sol Ruca

Miller takes Ruca down in a hammerlock. Ruca nips up to escape. Ruca tries to front flip out of a move but she lands on her butt. Miller walks into a head scissors by Ruca. Ruca backflips off the top and lands a dropkick. Miller kicks out. Ruca lands a frontflip leg drop out of the corner for the win.

Winner- Sol Ruca

After the match, Ruca helps Miller up and shakes her hand.

Backstage, Carmelo Hayes gets into a confrontation with Oro Mensah.

Cameron Grimes vs. Joe Gacy w/The Dyad

As soon as the bell rings Grimes unloads on Gacy with kick after kick. Gacy rolls out of the ring to confer with The Dyad. Grimes follows and is promptly gets beat down by Gacy. The Dyad blocks Grimes from hitting a PK. Grimes leaps over The Dyad and hits a senton on Gacy. Grimes sends Gacy back in the ring. clothesline by Gacy. Gacy works over Grimes. Grimes fires up and calls for the Cave In. After a distraction from The Dyad, Gacy hits his handspring lariat for the win.

Winner- Joe Gacy

WWE NXT Results Continue On The Next Page!


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