AEW All Out
Image Credit: AEW

AEW All Out Results (9/4): CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley, Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Athena (with Kiera Hogan and Leila Grey)

Athena takes the fight to Cargill. She hits the O-Face for two count, and The Baddies pull her out of the ring. Athena kicks Grey into the barricade. Cargill gains the upper hand and throws Athena across the ring. Athena perseveres and goes for the O-Face but Cargill counters. Athena dodges the Jaded and hits the champion with a superkick. She gets a two count with a Stunner. Cargill blasts her with a boot and hits the Jaded.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

Alex Marvez interviews CM Punk while he’s walking his dog Larry. Asked if he’s fully healthy, he notes that he’s practically never been fully healthy for a big match lately.

Wardlow and FTR vs. Jay Lethal and the Motor City Machine Guns (with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh)

Wardlow and Lethal start the bout and feel each other out. Wardlow goes for the powerbomb, but the Machine Guns distract him. Things get chippy between FTR and the Machine Guns. Dax Harwood takes the fight to Chris Sabin and drops Alex Shelley. He dumpes Shelley with a back suplex. Wardlow suplexes both Machine Guns. Lethal helps Shelley and Sabin take control with a kick. Lethal and Harwood trade blows. Wheeler floors Shelley with a lariat. Shelley catches him with a forearm, but Wheeler slams him face-first for a two count. Wardlow drops Lethal and Sabin. Lethal wraps Wheeler’s leg around the ring post. The Guns and Lethal isolate Wheeler, and the former ROH World Champion locks in a Figure-Four. Wardlow slams Lethal for a two count.Singh punches Wardlow, allowing Lethal to get a two count.

Lethal gets a two count with a diving elbow drop. Wardlow floors Lethal with a powerbomb and plants him with a few more for the win.

Winner: Wardlow and FTR

After the bell, Lethal and his partners move to attack the victors, but Samoa Joe storms the ringside area and attacks Singh. He tosses Dutt into the ring, and Harwood’s daughter comes to the ring. She breaks Dutt’s pencil and “pins” him.

Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs

Starks and Hobbs take the fight to each other, and the latter overpowers his former partner. Outside of the ring, Hobbs slams Starks into the barricade. Powerhouse continues to dominate, and he wrenches Starks’ head in a chin-lock. Starks rallies with some punches and a tornado DDT. Hobbs floors Starks with a spienbuster for the win.

Winner: Powerhouse Hobbs

AEW World Tag Team Championship: Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster and Anthony Bowens) (with Billy Gunn)

Caster raps before the match, saying The Acclaimed will “scissor” the paper champions. Bowens and Strickland start the bout. The crowd chants for “Daddy Ass”. Bowens gets a two count on a pin attempt. Lee and Caster tag in. Caster goes for a shoulder block, and Lee no-sells it. Caster takes Lee down with a hurricanrana. Bowens dropkicks Strickland, and The Acclaimed take control. They scissor to celebrate. Lee punches Caster and crushes him with a crossbody. Swerve hits a diving uppercut, and the champions double-team Caster. Caster rallies and tags Bowens, who clears house with a flurry of offense. Bowens plants Strickland for a DDT for a two count. Bowens’ knee is bothering him, and the referee checks on him. Swerve tosses him over the ropes, and Bowens lands hard on his knee. Swerve hits a missile dropkick that targets Bowens’ knee and gets in Gunn’s face.

The champions continue to target Bowens’ knee. Lee dominates Bowens and tosses him across the ring. Bowens hits a flipping neckbreaker. Caster tags in and clears house. He gets a two crowd with a crossbody. Lee accidentally pounces Swerve, and The Acclaimed double-team the powerhouse for a two count. Lee drives Caster out of the ring. Bowens keeps fighting, but his knee gives out. The Acclaimed superplex Lee, but Strickland tags in and hits the Swerve Stomp for a near fall. He stomps Bowens’ injured knee and wrenches it in a submission hold until Caster breaks it up. Swerve kicks Caster for a two count. Caster hits a Mic Drop while Caster holds Swerve, but the double-team move hurts Bowens’ knee even more. Lee chops Bowens, and Billy gets on the apron to distract him. Caster hits an Attitude Adjustment on Lee. Bowens slams Swerve, and Caster hits he Mic Drop for a near fall. Swerve slams Caster on the apron. He attacks Bowens’ injured leg. Lee tags in, and Bowens tries to fight them. Swerve accidentally kicks Lee, and Bowens rolls up Lee for a two count. Swerve and Lee hit the double-team stomp for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland)

After the match, Lee extends his hand to “Daddy Ass”, and they scissor.

AEW Interim Women’s World Championship Match: Britt Baker (with Rebel) vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter

The action quickly gets underway, as Storm takes the fight to Hayter and Shida focuses on Baker. Storm dropkicks Hayter. Shida takes control with a knee to Hayter. The competitors trade pin attempts. Hayter locks Shida in a single crab, and Baker goes for the Lockjaw, but Storm stops her. Baker drops Storm with a slingblade. Hayter gains the upper hand with a flurry of offense. She suplexes Shida and Storm. Storm and Shida are left alone in the ring, and they feel each other out. Shida kips up after a shoulder tackle, and they trade blows. Rebel gets in the ring, and the two women headbutt her. Hayter and Baker enter the ring and take control. Hayter carries Shida up the ramp, and Baker stops her. Doctors check on Shida and help her to the back. Back in the ring, Baker and Hayter gang up on Storm. She fights back and dives onto Hayter for a two count. Baker and Hayter work together to ground Storm. Shida comes back to the ring, carrying two kendo sticks, and she hits her opponents.

Shida slams Baker into Hayter. She superplexes Hayter for a two count. Storm drops Baker with a boot and gets caught with a dropkick from Hayter. The four women trade blows, and Shida wins the exchange. She gets a two count with a Falcon Arrow. Hayter floors Storm with a piledriver. Baker drops Shida with a neckbreaker and stomps her for a two count. Hayter nearly scores the win, but Baker pulls the referee out of the ring. Storm hits the Storm Zero and Baker pins Hayter for a two count. Storm pins Hayter with a DDT.

Winner and new AEW Interim Women’s World Champion: Toni Storm

Jungle Boy vs. Christian Cage

During Cage’s entrance, he goes over to Jungle Boy’s mom, who’s sitting in the front row. Jungle Boy comes out, and he’s blindsided by Luchasaurus. He slams Jungle Boy onto the ramp and again through a table. The powerhouse rolls Jungle Boy into the ring, and he clearly isn’t 100%. He tries to fight anyway, and while he kicks out of a Spear, Cage pins him with the Killswitch.

Winner: Christian Cage

Cage embraces Luchasaurus after the bell.

Backstage, Alex Marvez is standing by with Death Triangle and Best Friends. The two trios will face off Wednesday night on AEW Dynamite. PAC tells Orange Cassidy he’s a little dog who’s barking up the wrong tree.

AEW All Out Results Continue On The Next Page!

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