WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/30/22)

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WWE NXT 2.0 Results
August 30, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (8/23/22)

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller

Crews and Waller trade shots. Crewsflips out of the corner but Waller responds with a rope walk arm drag. Crews sends Waller flying with a back body drop. Slingshot senton by Crews. Waller pokes Crews in the eye. Crews rolls out of the ring and the doctor checks on him at the behest of the referee.

After the break, Waller is working over Crews. Crews tries another senton but Waller catches him in a rear naked choke. Crews tries to fight out of it. Waller lays in a few stiff elbows to the back of Crews head. Crews fires up and hits a blockbuster. Waller kicks out. Waller hits his rolling stunner for the win.

Winner- Grayson Waller

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley

Toxic Attraction is watching the match from the Toxic Lounge. Carter catches Nile with a spin kick. Carter tries a wheelbarrow but Nile turns it into a facebuster. Nile and Paxley work over Carter. Carter tags in Chance. Chance lands a senton. Paxley and Chance clothesline each other at the same time. Gigi Dolan pulls Nile off the apron. Dolan and Jayne attack Nile. Chance and Carter hit their finish on Paxley for the win.

Winners- Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

After the match, Carter and Chance say they have beaten everyone so at World’s Collide they are going to throw a huge party in the parking lot. Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H. interrupt and challenge the champs to a match at the PPV.

In-Ring Segment: The Dyad

Joe Gacy gives Scisim happy stickers for winning their match against Legado del Fantasma. Gacy makes another pitch for Cameron Grimes to join them. Grimes walks down to the ring and tells Gacy that he doesn’t need him. Gacy makes a joke about Grimes not having any friends, titles, or a father. Grimes goes after Gacy but ends up surrounded. Grimes escapes the ring.

Lash Legend and Pretty Deadly vs. Brigg, Jensen and Fallon Henley

Legend tosses Henley all over the ring. Henley lands a dive. After a big brawl the NXT UK tag champs and Henley hold the ring. After the break, Pretty Deadly is working over Briggs. Briggs manages to tag in Jensen, who clears the ring. Gallus walks down to ringside. Diamond Mine cuts them off. In the confusion, Prince rolls up Jensen for the win.

Winners- Lash Legend and Pretty Deadly

Andre Chase w/Bodhi Hayward and Thea Hail vs. Charlie Dempsey

Dempsey takes Chase down and ties him up Chase manages to get to his feet. Dempsey and Chase trade pin attempts. Dempsey floors Chase with a European uppercut. Dempsey traps Chase in a modified version of cattle mutilation. Chase gets to his feet and blasts Dempsey with a hammer strike. Chase stomps out Dempsey while spelling Chase U. Dempsey traps Chase in an armbar that he transitions into the Regal Stretch. Dempsey gets distracted knocking Bodhi on his butt. Dempsey gets in the ring and Chase rolls him up for the win.

Winner- Andre Chase

Zoey Stark vs. Kiana James

Stark and James brawl outside of the ring. James boots Stark into the corner. James works over Stark. Stark fires up and lands a sliding knee. Stark hits her modified GTS for the win.

Winner- Zoey Stark

After the match, James tries to attack Stark from behind. Nikkita Lyons makes the save.

Gallus vs. Diamond Mine

Julius sends Mark Coffy flying with a suplex. Brutus tags in and does the same. Kurelen lift by Brutus. Kemp tags in and lands a fallaway slam. Wolfgang tags in and squares up with Kemp. Kemp and the Creeds all pound on each member of Gallus at the same time. After the break, Joe Coffy ends up trapped in an ankle lock. Joe gets to the ropes. Mark trips Julius on the apron. Julius lands head first. Gallus takes turns working over Julius. Julius manages to tag in Kemp, who clears the ring. Roderick Strong runs down to ringside. Strong tries to show Kemp something on a phone. Kemp slaps the phone out of his hand. Kemp gets back in the ring and eats a Lariat. Mark pins Kemp.

Winners- Gallus

After the match, Pretty Deadly hits the ring and attacks The Creeds. Briggs and Jensen hit the ring and a huge brawl breaks out. The locker room empties and it’s pandemonium.

In-Ring Segment: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams

Williams goes on a rant about Hayes not being on World’s Collide. Hayes says he’s trying to figure out how they can have this show without him. He’s the greatest North American Champion ever. Hayes says he’s not going to bother trying to be on World’s Collide because there ain’t no one on his level anyway. The lights go out and Ricochet’s music hits.

Ricochet walks down to the ring and Hayes looks like he’s seen a ghost. Ricochet tells Williams and Hayes to shut up for five seconds. Ricochet challenges Hayes to a match at the PLE. Williams takes a swing at Ricochet but he ducks. Ricochet floors Williams with a spin kick. Hayes tries a springboard but he launches himself into Ricochet’s Recoil.



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