matt hardy private party aew 1
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Isiah Kassidy: Working With Matt Hardy Helped Tremendously, There’s No One Better To Learn From

Isiah Kassidy doesn’t understand the internet’s critique that Matt Hardy dragged Private Party‘s career down in All Elite Wrestling.

Private Party’s Isiah Kassidy recently sat down with Steve Fall of NBC Sports Boston to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked whether working with Matt Hardy in All Elite Wrestling helped or hurt Private Party, Kassidy is confident it was a big help.

“I think it helped 100%,” Isiah Kassidy said. “A lot of people on the internet they’re gonna say that Private Party’s career went down because of Matt Hardy but me personally, and I’m pretty sure I could speak for [Marq] Quen as well. I feel like Matt Hardy helped us a lot, and you may not have seen it on TV or seen it in person, but behind the scenes, he helped us a lot. Even on TV, you kind of translate it from like when we first started, and when Matt Hardy came to us, it’s a big difference.

“You can see the difference from when we first started to now because he helped us with a lot of stuff. Physically mentally, how to go into matches, how to prepare for matches, all that good stuff. And I feel like Matt Hardy personally helped us tremendously. And honestly, who’s better to learn from than your childhood hero? There’s no one better to learn from. For me personally, this is my childhood hero. This is the one I watched. He’s the person, along with his brother, that got me into wrestling that made me fall in love with wrestling, so why would I not want him with me? You know what I mean? Why would I not want to learn from you?”

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What do you make of Isiah Kassidy’s comments? Do you think Matt Hardy helped Private Party grow in All Elite Wrestling? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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