Jack Evans Almost Had A ‘Malibu’s Most Wanted’ Gimmick, But He Incorporated ‘Friday’ Instead

jack evans
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Jack Evans didn’t want to be B-Rad, so he ended up leaning on Smokey.

Jack Evans spoke with PWMania.com about his “and you know this, man!” catchphrase and how he ended up working it into his character. Evans noted that the phrase is famous because of its inclusion in the original Friday film, but now younger fans have embraced it as his.

“I had joined the show Mat Rats and when they found out I could breakdance, they wanted to give me a Malibu’s Most Wanted gimmick. So I had that “yo yo yo wuzzup” thing going, but it was just so over the top and cheesy. So I tried to take the gimmick and still have it be funny but also cool. I was like “I just wanna be Smokey.” ROH wasn’t gonna let me come out with a blunt though, so I incorporated Smokey into my character with that catchphrase.

What’s funny is a lot of younger fans think “And you know this, man!” is a Jack Evans quote because they haven’t seen Friday. And my girl actually loves Friday, even though she hates American comedies.”

Evans also spoke about his favorite entrance music, one of which he mashed himself.

“I’m gonna say ‘Born to Win’ by Papoose. At that time when I came out to that, I was huge into the NY mixtape scene, so I loved all those rappers. I also liked ‘911’ by Boo Yaa Tribe, Eminem and B-Real with the 2Pac ‘Uppercut’ intro. I didn’t think the full ‘Uppercut’ track was a good entrance theme, so I wanted to combine the two because ‘911’ has such high energy. And I actually combined the two myself on my computer.”

Read More: Jack Evans Didn’t Do As Well As He Could’ve In AEW, Still Grateful For The Experience


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