michael elgin
Photo Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

Michael Elgin Denies Being Arrested For Stealing Protein Powder In Japan

Michael Elgin says the reports that he was arrested for stealing protein powder are false.

According to a recent report from Bodyslam.net, Michael Elgin was recently arrested in Japan. Bodyslam’s Cassidy Haynes reported Elgin was actually arrested in Japan for stealing protein powder, and the arrest would explain why he missed a July 10th Pro Wrestling NOAH event in Shizuoka, Japan. NOAH announced Elgin was no longer competing on the event, but no reason for his absence was given at the time.

Now, Elgin himself has spoken out about the report and claims he hasn’t been charged with anything and he certainly didn’t steal protein powder. Elgin went on to address the report in detail, explaining that he brings his own protein powder to Japan, along with packing his own supplements and workout gear. He also pointed out that if he was to run out of protein powder, he could have taken some from the NOAH dojo since it was there for talent. 

Elgin also explained the holding process for being charged in Japan, noting that he couldn’t possibly be detained in Japan since he was posting from the United States. 

Elgin then says that he was in fact questioned about an issue, which did make him unavailable for the July 9 and 10 NOAH events. He says that after the officials who detained him found he did nothing wrong, he was free to go. He says that he was unable to contact NOAH while being held due to having his phone taken, but he understood why the company pulled him from the event on the 16th as well. 

“NOAH officials talked with me, I myself and the police officer explained the reason I was question [sic], as well as the fact that I did nothing wrong. But the damage of missing shows was already done,” Elgin stated. “I do not hold this against NOAH, I do not hold this against the police of japan. But the system of these matters for sure needs some work. If I had of [sic] committed any crime, I would of [sic] been detained at a minimum 10 days, and as long as 30 if there was any merit to investigate. If I had been guilty of any offense, I would of then been held for 2 months awaiting a trial.” 

Elgin went on to chastise the “confirmed” report and once again stated he was not arrested, nor was he deported and banned from Japan for any incidents. Elgin said that he knows the information included in the report is from a foreign talent and not the Japanese people, but wouldn’t disclose their name because it’s not worth it. Elgin closed by saying he didn’t fault NOAH for how they handled his absence, but wished there was a better way to resolve things.

Michael Elgin began wrestling for Pro Wrestling NOAH in April of this year. He had wrestled sporadically since being pulled from IMPACT Wrestling programming in 2020, only working four matches between his last IMPACT appearance and NOAH debut this year.

Read More: Michael Elgin Suing IMPACT Wrestling For Breach Of Contract
