Josh Alexander Eric Young IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary
Image Credit: IMPACT Wrestling

IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary Results (6/19): Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young, Ultimate X And More

Kurt Angle appears in a taped video and discusses his career with TNA/IMPACT and congratulates the company on its anniversary.

Monster’s Ball: Moose vs. Sami Callihan

Moose and Callihan have been locked in dark rooms for 24 hours, and they’re freed ahead of the match. Callihan attacks Moose from behind during his entrance. They brawl at ringside, and Callihan slams Moose into the barricade. He throws a trash can at the former champion and hits him with cookie sheets. Moose blasts him with a trash can lid. Callihan is already busted open, and Moose slams him on the apron. He then sends Callihan through a table with another slam. Callihan counters a Spear by placing Moose in a trash can. He blasts the can while Moose is inside with a chair. He gets a door that’s covered with barbed wire and brings it into the ring. Moose climbs to the top rope, and Callihan sends him crashing through the timekeeper’s table at ringside.

Callihan dumps thumbtacks in the ring, and Moose slams him onto them with a spinebuster. Moose drags Callihan on the tacks, but a Death Valley Driver through the barbed wire door earns “Death Machine” a two count. The two foes hit each other with trash can lids until they both fall down.

They trade blows, and Callihan clotheslines Moose onto the tacks. He hits a piledriver for a two count. Moose hits Callihan below the belt, but “Death Machine” powerbombs him onto a trash can. Moose kicks out of the Cactus Driver ’97. Callihan hits Moose with a barbed wire bat and drops him with another Cactus Driver ’97 for the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan

IMPACT World Tag Team Championship (c): The Briscoes (Mark and Jay Briscoe) vs. The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson)

The two teams start fighting as soon as the match starts. The Briscoes truck over Anderson with a double shoulder tackle and dive onto their opponents outside the ring. Jay slams Anderson on the stage, and the brawl continues around ringside. Mark dives onto the Good Brothers outside the ring. Anderson slams Jay head-first into a chair, and the Good Brothers take control. They isolate Jay, who eventually rallies with a neckbreaker. Mark tags in with a flurry of offense. He dumps Anderson over his head with a suplex. Anderson gets a two count with a spinebuster on Mark. The Good Brothers gain the upper hand, but Jay blocks the Magic Killer.

Mark and Anderson trade blows, and “Machine Gun” drops his opponent with an uppercut. Jay tags in, and The Briscoes gain the upper hand. Jay floors Anderson with a clothesline. Anderson blocks the Doomsday Device and hits a Gun Stun on Mark in mid-air. Jay tries to fight off the Good Brothers, but they hit the Magic Killer for the win.

Winner and new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions: The Good Brothers

After the match, America’s Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) come to the ring. Storm says these four men are like them, as they like to fight and drink. Now that the fight is over, it’s time to drink, and they pass out bottles. Storm toasts IMPACT and leads the crowd in saying, “Sorry ’bout your damn luck.”

Honor No More (Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, PCO, Vincent, and Eddie Edwards) (with Maria Kanellis) vs. IMPACT Originals (Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Frankie Kazarian, Nick Aldis, and TBA)

Scott D’Amore comes to the ring wearing a Team Canada jersey and carrying a Canadian flag. Dixie Carter, the former president of TNA, comes to the stage and says it’s surreal to be there. She thanks everyone ever involved with the company and the fans who have supported them. The mystery man on the IMPACT Originals turns out to be Davey Richards.

The match immediately breaks down into a brawl. Bennett and Sabin are the legal men once the referee restores order. Aldis tags in and slams Bennett. Kazarian enters the match, as does Vincent. He drops the latter with a Russian legsweep. Edwards tags in and stares across the ring from his former partner, Davey Richards. Edwards tags out, and Taven enters the match. The IMPACT Originals gang up on Taven and Vincent. Aldis hits a diving elbow drop on Vincent. The Machine Guns double-team Bennett. Team IMPACT continues to control the action, but Honor No More turns the tables. Vincent suplexes Shelley and plants him with a flatliner. The OGK double-teams Shelley, and Taven gets a two count with a springboard moonsault.

PCO goes for his signature senton on the apron, but Shelley avoids it. Shelley rallies with a double Sliced Bread and tags Kazarian. He clears house and catches Vincent with a cutter. Aldis squares off with PCO, but Taven blasts him with a springboard kick. Bennett drops Shelley with a Spear. Bodies are flying all over the place. Shelley and Sabin double-team Edwards. Taven dives onto his opponents at ringside. Richards and Edwards are left in the ring, and they trade blows. Richards drops Edwards with a dragon screw in the ropes. Team IMPACT locks their opponents in simultaneous submissions, but PCO breaks them up. Vincent hits the Redrum on Aldis for a two count. Richards tags in and hits a diving stomp on PCO. Maria gets on the apron, but Traci Brooks stops her. Kazarian protects his wife when PCO tries to attack her.

Kenny King attacks Sabin, and D’Lo Brown enters the ring and slams him. Earl Hebner checks on his son, referee Brian Hebner, as Brown hits a Frog Splash on King. The Machine Guns kick PCO. Sabin pins PCO with the Cradle Shock, as Earl Hebner takes off his shirt and reveals a referee uniform.

WinnersIMPACT Originals (Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Frankie Kazarian, Nick Aldis, and Davey Richards)

IMPACT Slammiversary Results Continue On The Next Page!


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