WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (6/17/22)

Adam Pearce has Drew McIntyre and Sheamus in the ring. Pearce notes that neither of them qualified after the double disqualification in their match last week. McIntyre threatens to beat someone’s ass if he isn’t put in the MITB match. Sheamus says McIntyre doesn’t deserve it. He’s won the contract before and cashed it in successfully. McIntyre has only ever been cashed in on. WWE Managment has made a decision. Pearce tells Sheamus he’s in. Sheamus gloats. McIntyre attacks Sheamus. Pearce tells McIntyre he’s in too. Sheamus goes nuts and charges McIntyre. McIntyre drops him with a Claymore.

Money in the Bank Qualifying Match: Raquel Rodriguez vs. Shayna Baszler

Baszler almost locks in a knee bar. Raquel tosses her away. Baszler ends up on the apron. Raquel misses a boot. Baszler traps Raquel’s leg in the turnbuckle and stomps on it. Before Raquel can do anything Baszler lands a running kick to her knee. Baszler works over Raquel.  Raquel hits her finish for the win.

Winner- Raquel Rodriguez

The ring announcer announces Max Dupree but he never comes to the ring. There is a spotlight waiting for him and everything. The camera cuts to Pearce’s office and Dupree is in his face. Dupree complains about the lighting not being good enough. He will not debut his men under these conditions.

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns (c) w/Paul Heyman vs. Riddle

As soon as the bell rings, Riddle is all over Reigns, landing strike after strike. Reigns drops Riddle with one uppercut. Reigns slams Riddle into the turnbuckle. Riddle leapfrogs over Reigns and lands a front kick. Reigns rolls out of the ring. Riddle blasts Reigns with a PK on the apron. Before Reigns can gather himself, Riddle immediately hits an Asai Floating Bro. After the break, Reigns is working over Riddle. Riddle fights his what out of a cravat.

Reigns and Riddle trade strikes. Overhead kick by Riddle. Riddle kips up and lands multiple running forearms. Exploder suplex by Riddle. Riddle tries a Broton but Reigns gets his knees up. Riddle lands another kick. Floating Bro to a standing Reigns. Reigns kicks out. Riddle throws a punch, but Reigns counters with a Rock Bottom. Riddle kicks out. Reigns suplexes Riddle on the announce desk, Orton-style. Reigns looks at the camera and asks Orton where he’s at.

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (6/10/22)

After the break, Riddle lands a knee strike. Powerslam by Riddle. Riddle tries a hangman’s DDT but Reigns slinks away. Table suplex by Riddle. Riddle lands the hangman’s DDT. Riddle calls for the RKO. Reigns blocks it and hits a Superman Punch. Riddle kicks out! Reigns yells at the WWE Universe before calling for a Spear. Reigns charges in and eats an RKO! Reigns kicks out at 2.9. Floating Bro by Riddle. Riddle tries a springboard but gets Speared out of the air by Reigns. Reigns pins Riddle.

Winner and STILL Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns!

After the match, Heyman hands Reigns a mic. Reigns says there is no one left. He told everyone he was going to wreck everyone and he’s leaving. Before he leaves there is just one thing to do. Reigns tells the crowd to acknowledge him. Before Reigns can leave, Brock Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar walks down to the ring. Reign tells the Usos to leave the ring. Lesnar and Reigns stare each other down. Lesnar laughs and takes his hat off. He offers Reigns a handshake. Reigns hesitates but eventually accepts. Lesnar immediately picks Reigns up and hits an F5. Jimmy and Jey hit the ring and both eat F5s for their troubles.

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