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IMPACT Wrestling Results – June 9, 2022

The show opens with a video package looking at last week’s main event where Moose & Steve Maclin defeated W. Morrissey & PCO before Sami Callihan attacked Moose.

A pre-taped promo from Sami airs where he says he whoops Moose’s ass every time the lights go off and come back on. At the end of the night, Moose will be begging for mercy.

The intro airs in 2008 style.

Tenille Dashwood vs. Rosemary

Rosemary catches Tenille with a choke after Madison tried to distract from the start. Rosemary maintains control at the start with a headlock and strikes and then launches her across the ring. Rayne tries to distract again, which allows Dashwood to hit a neckbreaker through the ropes. Tenille rolls Rosemary back in for a quick cover. Tenille sends Rosemary into the turnbuckle for punches. Rosemary gets Tenille tangled up in the ropes but breaks before the five-count. Rayne strikes Rosemary on the outside, Tenille covers for a two. Rosemary breaks free from a full nelson, double clothesline. Rosemary builds momentum with a couple clotheslines and whips Tenille to the mat for a float over crossface. Rosemary lands a German suplex for a two-count. Rosemary lands the three-count after using Tenille to knock Madison off the apron.

Winner: Rosemary

Madison and Tenille beat down Rosemary until Taya Valkyrie makes the save. They stare each down until Taya mouths that she’s sorry.

Commentary runs down the current Slammiversary card, which airs on PPV and FITE on Sunday, June 19th.

We see footage of The Good Brothers invading The Briscoe’s farm. They mock Taker/AJ’s Boneyard match on a tractor at one point. They continue walking around until they find the Briscoe’s father. He tells them to get the hell off the farm, but the Good Brothers settle for beating up the father since they can’t find Mark and Jay… until The Briscoes come riding in on a truck and a brawl immediately breaks out. The Good Brothers are chased off by weapons.

Heath reveals in a backstage interview that Rhino could be out for quite some time due to Honor No More’s attack.

Steve Maclin vs. PCO

PCO sends Maclin to the apron and spears him out of the ring. PCO comes flying under the top rope to take Maclin down again. Maclin takes his turn and dives outside through the top two ropes. PCO runs at Maclin but gets hit with a spinebuster onto the ramp. After the break, they’re still battling on outside the ring as Maclin send PCO into the ring post shoulder-first. Back in the ring, PCO comes back with a lariat. Maclin hits a big suplex from the top for the first cover of the match. They trade blows before PCO plants Maclin with a DDT. PCO cannon-balls onto Maclin on the apron. Maclin comes back by launching himself into PCO in the corner of the barricade. PCO’s face is all busted up and he reveals a shoulder bone out of place. Medics try to stop PCO, but he fights them off. Maclin nails PCO with a chair while the ref is distracted. Maclin covers for the three.

Winner: Steve Maclin

After, PCO pops back up and Maclin escapes in awe.

Flashback Moment of the Week showcases Samoa Joe winning a King of the Mountain match.

Backstage, Tasha approaches Deonna to ask about what happened last week. They argue about having mutual enemies, but Deonna still has her sights set on the gold that belongs to her. Deonna says she doesn’t need help, which Tasha doubts. Chelsea Green walks up and suggests it wouldn’t hurt to have a little help.

Matt Morgan is interviewed backstage and reflects on the 20-year history of Impact. Vincent interrupts and issues a warning on behalf of Honor No More.

Joe Doering vs. Josh Alexander

Josh tries to work an arm to start. He moves next to the ankle and catches an ankle lock for a couple seconds before he’s kicked off. Deaner tires to sweep Josh’s legs, which allows Doering to gain momentum with a running crossbody. Doering keeps Alexander grounded with a grasp on his chin. Josh works his way up and boots Joe a couple times. Flying knee from the top from Josh finally takes Joe to the mat. Josh lands two German suplexes before Joe elbows his way out. Deaner tosses the VBD flag in, but Josh is the one who accidentally uses it on Joe for the DQ.

Winner: Joe Doering by DQ

Eric Young half slides in the ring and stares down Josh before backing out and saying he’ll see him at Slammiversary.

Moose tells Gia Miller that Sami Callihan doesn’t stand a chance against him. The lights flicker. Moose says he will find Sami and put an end to it.

We see highlights of X-Division Champion Ace Austin joining Bullet Club during NJPW’s Best of The Super Junior 29 finals. Alex Zayne interrupts Ace’s promo. Jay White and Good Brothers come in to the break it up. Zayne gets beaten down by Bullet Club. We learn that Alex Zayne is the final entrant in the Ultimate X match for Ace’s title at Slammiversary.

Backstage, Moose finds Sami and attacks him until he’s left bloodied. However, Moose can’t find his way out of their area as all doors are locked. Sami gets the last laugh and makes his way out first.

Over Zoom, an injured Matt Cardona gifts Brian Myers “his” Impact Digital Media Championship even though Rich Swann is the legitimate champion. Myers says he’ll face Swann for the title at Slammiversary.

Announced for next week:

  • Trey Miguel vs. Mike Bailey
  • Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim
  • The Briscoes vs. Chris Bey & Jay White

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Frankie Kazarian, Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley

Shelley and Bennett tie up to kick things off. Kazarian and Taven come in next, followed by Sabin and Edwards. Eddie gets worked by quick tags and double teamed by MCMG. Taven and Bennett both fall victim of getting triple teamed before commercial. Honor No More take control after the break by keeping Shelley trapped as the damsel in distress. Taven knocks Sabin and Kazarian off the apron, but Shelley counters with a corkscrew on the leg. Eddie and Shelley trade boots to the face until Eddie accidentally boots Bennett. Kazarian gets the tag in and he tackles Edwards. Sabin comes in with a crossbody on both Eddie and Taven. Shelley provides the assist for Sabin to plant Eddie with a DDT for a two.

Machine Guns double team Eddie and then Sabin flies to the outside. Taven follows suit on MCMG and Eddie. Bennett cuts Frankie off. Honor No More triple team Sabin, but he’s relentless. Shelley makes the save and gets a two count on Edwards. Shelley and Taven trade shots until Kazarian nails a cutter. The action breaks down with everyone getting their stuff in until Bennett low blows Sabin. Eddie hits the Die Hard Driver for the three.

Winners: Honor No More

After, Heath marches down with a chair in hand. He manages to fight through them and throws the chair at Eddie’s head. King and Vincent join the melee as Kazarian tries to battle them. Bennett uses the chair against Heath. Eddie wraps the chair around Heath’s ankle and they take turns slamming another chair against it. Honor No More stands tall to the end the show. 10 days until Slammiversary remain.

Read More: IMPACT Wrestling Announces Multiple New Dates For August