WWE NXT In Your House Results

WWE NXT In Your House Results (6/4/22)

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Toxic Attraction (c) vs. Chance and Carter

Before the bell rings, Dolan and Jayne attack Carter and Chance. Chance and Carter both land dives, taking out Dolan and Jayne. The bell rings and Carter and Chance work over Jayne since Dolan is out on the floor. Dolan gets back on the apron and gets a blind tag. After a distraction from Dolan, Jayne takes down Chance. Dolan punt kicks Chance in the back. Jayne and Dolan take turns working over Chance. Chance eventually manages to tag in Carter. Carter dropkicks Dolan in the corner and lands in a splash on Jayne.

Roll through basement superkick by Carter. Jayne kicks out. Jayne drops Carter with a forearm. German suplex by Jayne. Dolan tags in and hits a question mark kick for a near fall. Carter swings Jayne into a backstabber. Chance leaps off the top and hits a double stomp. Jayne kicks out. Carter tosses Chance into a ranna off the top to Jayne. Jayne sails off the top and lands right on top of Dolan. Jayne kicks out. Carter and Chance try to set up their finish but that is broken up by Dolan.

Check out last week’s coverage here: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (5/31/22)

Dolan and Jayne hit the high/low on Chance. Carter spear Dolan to break up the pin. Carter drops Jayne on the apron with a diamond cutter. Chance and Dolan trade strikes in the ring. Chance and Carter hit their finish but Jayne pulls Chance out of the ring to break up the pin. Jayne sucker punches Carter as she is sent into the rope by a kick out from Dolan. Dolan lands a high-angle German Suplex hold for the win.

Winners and STILL NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, Toxic Attraction!

WWE NXT In Your House Results Continues On The Next Page!