WWE NXT 2.0 Results
April 26, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com
Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (4/19/22)
Nikkita Lyons vs. Lash Legend
Before the bell rings Legend any Lyon trade punches. Legend lands a big boot. Legend sends Lyons flying out of the ring. Lyons almost lands on her head. Legend sends Lyons into the ring steps. Legend works over Lyons. The crowd cheers on Lyons as Legend lands a spinning sidewalk slam. Lyons fires up and lands a suplex. German suplex by Lyons. Flying elbow smash by Lyons. Lyons tries the ten punches in the corner. Legend almost turns it into a powerbomb but Lyons counters with a ranna. Lyons lands a spin kick and pins Legend.
Winner- Nikkita Lyons
Here we go!!!#WWENXT @lashlegendwwe @nikkita_wwe pic.twitter.com/wqHAvEwBbU
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
After the match, Natalya hits the ring and attacks Lyons. Legend and Natalya work over Lyons. Cora Jade tries to make the save with her skateboard but ends up getting taken down by Natalya. Natalya almost locks Jade in the Sharpshooter but Lyons almost decapitated Natalya with a big boot.
Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (4/19/22)
Tony D’Angelo notes that his opponent tonight, Xyon Quinn, has a hangnail and can’t compete tonight. So instead, he’s going to take out “Mr. Personality” Von Wagner. Wagner is going to sleep with the fishes… Santos Escobar knows something about that.
Backstage, Roderick Strong dresses down the rest of Diamond Mine for not being ready and not performing up to standards. Brutus Creed says they almost won the NXT tag titles and they went through three teams in one night. Strong says almost doesn’t count and they need to refocus. Strong got them a match booked for next week against the Viking Raiders.
Tony D’Angelo vs. Von Wagner w/Mr. Stone
Wagner works over D’Angelo. D’Angelo eventually manages to send Wagner to the outside. Wagner suplexes D’Angelo on the apron. After the break, Wagner sends D’Angelo to the outside area. Legado runs down to the apron. The Wiseguys pull Wilde and Cruz off the apron. In the confusion, Santos Escobar hits D’Angelo in the knee with a crowbar. D’Angelo is almost counted out. As he rolls in the ring Wagner blasts him with a big boot for the win.
Winner- Von Wagner
Focus up, @BrooksJensenWWE!#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/Vy0bXPsgqd
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
"The only reason you won last week is because 'pajama dork' destroyed our locker room."#WWENXT @WWE_MandyRose @jacyjaynewwe @gigidolin_wwe @roxanne_wwe pic.twitter.com/YdZUILJ7NW
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
Nathan Frazer vs…
As Frazer is walking to the ring. Grayson Waller attacks his opponent. Waller grabs a mic and tells Frazer not to take another step or he’s going to get embarrassed. Andre Chase and his students are in the crowd. Waller dresses down Chase and his students. Chase gets up on the apron. Frazer destroys Waller with a springboard dropkick. Frazer sends Waller out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive. Chase grabs a mic and tells Waller this was a teachable moment.
You tried your best, @mckenzienmitch.#WWENXT @GraysonWWE @tiffstrattonwwe pic.twitter.com/zDUXCwzNlK
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
.@AriannaGraceWwe is prepared to throw caution to the wind in the #WWENXT Women's Breakout Tournament! pic.twitter.com/q17JQsxMhz
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs. Yulisa Leon and Valentina Feroz
Leon and Carter trade strikes. Feroz tags in and is thrown into a ranna on Carter. After a cat and mouse chase, Feroz runs into a clothesline from Carter. Chance lands a spinning splash for a near fall. Chance gets a near fall after a crossbody. Carter and Chance take turns working over Feroz. Feroz manages to tag in Leon, who clears the ring. Missile dropkick by Leon. Leon press slams Feroz onto Carter. Chance breaks up the pin. Carter tries to tag in Chance but Leon knocked her off the apron. Leon misses a springboard moonsault. Chance gets a blind tag. Chance and Carter hit their neck breaker/450 splash combo for the win.
Winners- Katana Chance and Kayden Carter
I N C R E D I B L E#WWENXT @wwekayden #KatanaChance pic.twitter.com/bq0PphDPer
— WWE NXT (@WWENXT) April 27, 2022
Backstage, Brooks Jensen is being attended to by referees and medical personnel. Someone attacked him from behind and he isn’t cleared to compete. Briggs goes nuts and says they are forcing him to do this…