WWE WrestleMania 38 Results 
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 Results (4/2/22)

Austin says in about five seconds Owens is going to have 75 thousand people calling him an asshole. The crowd obliges. Owens asks Austin to not be like the stereotypical rude Texan. Austin should be more like Owens, a distinguished Canadian. Owens says he’s going to let Austin in on a secret. He didn’t actually invite Austin on here to talk. Even though Owens has a bad back, he’s looking for a fight. He brought Austin out here to challenge him to a match. Owens knows Austin’s knee, back, and neck is probably in even worse shape now. Owens wants a no holds barred match right here right now. Austin just glares at Owens. Owens says Austin knows he is telling himself he can’t beat him. Owens says Austin knows he’s right. Austin doesn’t say a word. Owens tells Austin to get the hell out of the ring.

Austin says he had his first match in Dallas, Texas and he could have his last match here. Austin asks the crowd if they want him to beat up this sack of shit and if so to give him a hell yeah. The crowd gives him a hell yeah. Austin asks for a referee.

No Holds Barred Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kevin Owens

Owens and Austin get in each other’s faces. Austin and Owens trade strikes. Austin stomps Owens in the corner. Owens gets sent into the other corner. Austin catches a beer and stomps Owens in the corner again. Austin tosses Owens out of the ring. Austin drinks some more beer. Owens sends Austin into the barricade. Austin explodes off the barricade with a lariat. Austin drops Owens on the barricade. Owens sends Austin into the ring post. Owens lands a few strikes before setting up a table. Austin sends Owens through his own table. Austin sends Owens over the barricade. The two men fight into the crowd. Austin tries a suplex but Owens reverses it and hits a suplex of his own.

Owens kicks Austin in the gut. Austin fires back with a few shots. Owens sends Austin over the barricade. Owens climbs the barricade. Austin tosses Owens onto the announce table. Austin drinks a few more beers before unloading on Owens on the announce table. Austin spits a beer in Owens’ face. Owens stuns Austin on the top rope. Owens gets on Austin’s ATV and tries to leave. Austin attacks Owens from behind. Austin drives Owens up the ramp to the stage. Austin hits a suplex on the stage. Austin hits another suplex on the stage. Austin grabs two more beers and drinks them. Owens Stuns Austin. Austin kicks out! Owens grabs a chair. Owens swings the chair and Austin ducks. The chair bounces off the ropes and hits Owens in the face. Austin hits the Stunner for the win!

Winner- Stone Cold Steve Austin

After the match, Austin celebrates with several hundred beers. Austin Stuns Owens again. Owens is escorted from ringside by two Texas cops. Austin calls Byron Saxton into the ring and hands him a beer. This will shock you, but Austin drops Saxton with a Stunner.




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