SmackDown Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Ronda Rousey
Flair backs Rousey into the corner. Rousey fires back with multiple strikes. Rousey almost locks in an ankle lock. Flair gets away. Rousey takes Flair down. Flair almost locks in the Figure Eight. Flair flips over the top but Rousey lands an elbow. Rousey chokes Flair using the top rope. Flair lands a neck breaker on the apron. As Flair tries to get back in the ring, Rousey grabs Flair’s foot and locks in an ankle lock. Flair sends Rousey flying out of the ring. Flair works over Rousey. Rousey lands a knee strike for a near fall. Tornado facebuster by Rousey.
Multiple judo takedowns by Rousey. Flair hits a spear out of nowhere. Suplex by Flair. Flair kips up and goes up top. Moonsault by Flair but Rousey moves out of the way. Flair tries a standing moonsault but she misses. Flair lands a few chops. Suplex by Rousey for another near fall. Rousey gets hung up in a tree of woe. Flair goes up top and locks in a Boston crab. Rousey sits up and lands an elbow. Flair pushes Rousey off the top. Rousey goes back up top and hits an arm drag. Piper’s Pit by Rousey. Rousey sets up the armbar and points into the crowd. Flair slips away and boots Rousey in the face. Flair tries the Figure Eight again but Rousey kicks her way. Rolling powerslam by Rousey.
.@MsCharlotteWWE is in the danger zone right now at #WrestleMania!#RondaRousey
— WWE (@WWE) April 3, 2022
Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (4/1/22)
Rousey picks Flair up but Flair escapes. Rousey counters with the ankle lock. Flair reverses it into an ankle lock of her own. Rousey tries to turn it into an armbar but she sends up launching Flair into the bottom turnbuckle. Flair turns an armbar into a powerbomb for a near fall. Rousey reverses the Figure Eight into the ankle lock. Rousey drops down. Flair kicks her way out of the hold. Flair and Rousey trade submission attempts. Flair traps Rousey in the Figure Eight. Rousey rolls over to reverse the pressure. Both Flair and Rousey roll out of the ring. Flair goes up top. Rousey pulls Flair back to the apron.
Rousey slams Flair to the floor with another armdrag. Flair tosses a charging Rousey into the barricade with an exploder. Rousey and Flair get in each other’s faces. Rousey hits another Piper’s Pit. Flair gets her foot on the bottom rope. Rousey argues with the referee. Flair hits Natural Selection. Rousey kicks out. Flair is livid. Flair tries another Figure Eight. Rousey kicks Flair away but she accidentally spears the referee in the process. Rousey locks Flair in the Rousey Armbar. Flair taps out but there is no referee. Rousey helps the referee up. Flair lands the Queen’s Boot for the win!
Winners and STILL SmackDown Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair!
????@MsCharlottteWWE @RondaRousey#WrestleMania #WomensTitle— WWE (@WWE) April 3, 2022