WWE WrestleMania 38 Results 
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE WrestleMania 38 Night 1 Results (4/2/22)

Rollins is sung to the ring by a choir. Rollins waits in the ring to find out his opponent. Rollins screams for them to not make him wait. Pyro goes off and the lights go out in the arena. Cody Rhode’s AEW music hits and he raises up from under the stage. Rollins laughs.

Seth “Freaking” Rollins vs. The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes

Rollins laughs like an idiot as they lock up. Side headlock by Rhodes. Rhodes drops Rollins after a tackle dropdown spot. Rhodes does the old Stardust taunt and “tosses it” into the crowd. Dropdown uppercut by Rhodes. Rollins welcomes Rhodes back and decks him. Rhodes and Rollins trade strikes. Rollins and Rhodes trade suplex attempts. Both men end up falling over the top rope and land hard. Rollins drives Rhodes into the ring apron. Rhodes responds by sending Rollins into the ring post. Rhodes and Rollins fight back into the ring. Rhodes works Rollins left arm. Armdrag into short arm scissors by Rhodes. Rollins turns it into a pin for a near fall. Rhodes hits his version of Shattered Dream. Rollins manages to land an enziguri.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (4/1/22)

Rhodes slams Rollins into the mat, shoulder first. Rhodes goes up top but Rollins manages to catch him in midair with a dropkick. Rhodes is clutching at his ribs. Rollins works over Rhodes’ injured ribs. Moonsault by Rhodes. Rhodes sends Rollins out of the ring. Suicide dive by Rhodes. Rhodes dives off the apron and gets caught in a powerbomb. Rollins powerbombs Rhodes into the barricade. Rollins lands a springboard knee followed by a basement superkick. Falcon Arrow by Rollins. Rhodes kicks out. Rollins misses the Stomp twice. Rhodes eventually hits Crossroads. Rollins kicks out.

Rhodes goes up top. Rollins cuts him off. Rhodes knocks Rollins off the top. Rollins hops back up top and hits an avalanche gourd buster into an inverted DDT. Rhodes kicks out. Rollins tries the Pedigree. Rhodes hits an under hook powerbomb. Rollins gets to his feet and eats a Cody Cutter. Rollins kicks out again. Rollins hits the Pedigree. Rhodes kicks out. Rhodes and Rollins trade strikes. Kawada kicks by Rollins. Rollins hits the Ohno elbow. Rhodes surprises Rollins with the Crossroads. Rhodes holds on and hits another. Rhodes lets Rollins go and unloads on Rollins with Dusty-style punches. Bionic Elbow by Rhodes. Rhodes hits another Crossroads for the win.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

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