WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (3/11/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
March 11, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (3/4/22)

Footage of Roman Reigns’ attack on Brock Lesnar at Madison Square Garden is shown.

In-Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar

Lesnar isn’t smiling on his way to the ring tonight. Lesnar says that Reigns has changed the rules and the game. No one draws first blood on Brock Lesnar and lives to tell about it. Lesnar doesn’t care about WrestleMania, or the WWE Championship (Lesnar chucks the title out of the ring). He wants Reigns and he wants him now. Heyman walks out on the stage and tells Lesnar to calm down.

Heyman starts to announce Reigns but ends with the nugget that Reigns isn’t here tonight. Lesnar notes that if Reigns isn’t here, who is going to protect Heyman? Lesnar bolts out of the ring. Heyman runs away. Security tries to step in front of Lesnar but Lesnar runs through them. Heyman hops in a car and it drives off. Lesnar wants blood.

Backstage, Ridge Holland and Sheamus say they have a secret weapon tonight. Some people may know him by another name, but they call him, Butch. Pete Dunne walks into the frame.

Big E and Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus and Ridge Holland w/Butch

Before the bell rings, Big E and Kingston attack Sheamus. After the match officially starts, Kingston lands a springboard dropkick for a near fall. Big E and Sheamus tag in. Big E stomps Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus lands a clothesline. After a leapfrog, Big E lands a back elbow. Sheamus rolls out to the apron. Sheamus hits the ten beats. After a distraction, Kingston catches Holland with a senton off the steps. Big E misses his splash on the apron.

After the break, Big E manages to tag in Kingston, who clears the ring. Kingston lands the boom drop. SOS by Kingston. Holland breaks up the pin. Holland tries to suplex Big E out on the floor but Big E lands on his head. That looked bad. Kingston goes up top. After a distraction from Butch, Sheamus Brogue Kicks Kingston for the win.

Winners- Sheamus and Ridge Holland

After the match, Butch attacks Kingston. Butch is pulled off Kingston, but he turns around and attacks Kingston all over again. Medical personnel are outside the ring checking on Big E.

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