WWE NXT Results

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (3/1/22)

Andre Chase vs. Von Wagner w/Robert Stone

Chase attacks as soon as the bell rings. Wagner quickly takes over, landing strike after strike. Chase tries to fire up but is quickly cut off by Wagner. Wagner tosses Chase clear across the ring. Chase goes low and attacks Wagner’s knee. Chase gets distracted after Wagner clocks hiss student outside the ring. After checking on Hayward, Chase walks right into Wagner’s finish. Wagner pins Chase.

Winner- Von Wagner

Backstage, Lyons says she heard what Legend said earlier. Lyons says Legend should bring back Lashing Out. Let’s see if Legend keeps the same energy.

North American Championship Match: Carmelo Hayes (c) w/Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Dunne takes Hayes down into an armbar. Hayes gets to his feet and verses the hold. Hayes and Dunne run the ropes. Hayes turns Dunne inside out with a lariat. Dunne responds with a lariat of his own. Hayes and Dunne trade lariat attempts. Neither man will go down. Dunne and Hayes trade strikes. Dunne hits the x-plex. After the break, Hayes counters Dunne and rolls him into a single-leg crab. Dunne escapes.

After a distraction from Williams, Hayes hits a slingshot DDT on the apron. Hayes is slow to cover. Dunne kicks out. Hayes lands a few stiff elbow strikes. Dunne manages to drop a knee on Hayes arm. Dunne misses a hand stomp. Hayse trips Dunne. Hayes tries a springboard but Dunne destroys him with a bull hammer elbow. Hayes kicks out. Hayes surprises Dunne with a lung blower. Two count after an ax kick by Hayes. Dunne hits the Bitter End out of nowhere.

Hayes rolls out of the way to avoid getting pinned by Dunne. Dunne locks Hayes in a triangle. Hayes slingshots Dunne into the bottom rope. Dunne snaps Hayes’s fingers. Hayes goes up top. Williams gets on the apron. Dunne snaps his fingers. Hayes pushes Dunne off the top rope. Hayes lands his flying ax kick for the win.

Winner and STILL North American Champion, Carmelo Hayes!

After the match, Hayes says he is going to defend his title at Stand and Deliver in a ladder match.


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