GCW Don't Tell Me What To Do Nick Gage
Image Credit: GCW

GCW Don’t Tell Me What To Do Results (2/20/22): GCW Tag Title Match And More

Game Changer Wrestling (GCW) hosted two consecutive events in Atlantic City on February 19-20. On Sunday, “Don’t Tell Me What To Do” will feature Nick Gage, Blake Christian, Joey Janela, and Ninja Mack, among other stars.

The results are as follows:

Jordan Oliver vs. Alec Price

Oliver and Price feel each other out early on. Price gains a temporary advantage, but Oliver plants him with a flapjack and a back body drop. The match spills to the outside, and Oliver kicks Price into the front row. Back in the ring, Price takes Oliver down with a tornado DDT. He slams his opponent into the turnbuckle for a two count. Oliver traps Price in a Boston crab, but the latter escapes by turning it into a pin attempt. A bridging suplex earns Oliver a two count. With a dropkick and a diving knee drop, Oliver gains even more momentum.

Price stomps Oliver while he’s in the Tree of Woe. He then plants Oliver with a modified neckbreaker. Oliver rallies with a Spanish Fly and gets a near fall with a piledriver. A German suplex and the Orange Crush earn Oliver the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver

Drago Kid vs. ASF

Drago and ASF trade some fast-paced offense right away. The match is initially a stalemate, as both men struggle to take control before ASF dives onto Drago outside the ring. Drago flips and evades a strike from ASF. He takes him down with a head-scissors and takes flight with a springboard moonsault to the outside. The two competitors trade blows, and Drago hits a tiger feint kick for a two count. Another hurricanrana sends ASF back to the outside, and Drago dives onto him again. Drago gets a two count with a modified DDT.


ASF tears at Drago’s mask and hits an avalanche powerbomb. He spikes Drago on his head with a piledriver for the win.

Winner: ASF

Blake Christian vs. Ninja Mack

Christian and Mack take the fight to each other, and they both try to gain an advantage. Mack sends Christian to the floor with a dro[kick. Christian fires back with a kick of his own. Mack kicks Christian in the face, but both men land hard after Christian dives onto his opponent in the first row at ringside. A running dropkick sends Mack a few rows back. Mack blasts Christian with a diving chop outside the ring. Christian dodges a corkscrew dive and slams Mack into the turnbuckle with a sunset flip powerbomb.

Mack hits a standing corkscrew splash for a two count. Christian responds with a splash of his own for another two count. He blasts Mack with a knee to the head and plants him with a German suplex. Both men are down after a wheelbarrow suplex. Another brutal knee to the face stuns Mack, and Christian plants him with a modified headlock driver for the win.

Winner: Blake Christian

Deathmatch: Cole Radrick vs. Orin Veidt

Radrick brings a bundle of light tubes to the ring. The two men feel each other out, as if it’s a normal match. Veidt smashes Radrick with light tubs and slices his forehead with a shard. Radrick bashes Veidt with more tubes, but he takes some right back. The match spills to the outside. Radrick crashes into Veidt with a senton onto some light tubes. He grinds Veidt’s face into barbed wire but misses on a senton onto a barbed wire board. Back in the ring, Veidt sends Radrick crashing onto a ladder.

Radrick rallies by slamming Veidt head-first onto a chair. A tube-assisted lionsault earns Radrick a two count. He sets up a giant ladder that brushes up against the chandelier that’s hanging from the ceiling. Veidt tries to hit Radrick with a weed whacker, but Radrick blasts him with it instead. A senton off the huge ladder and through a board earns Radrick a two count. Veidt slams Radrick through a barbed wire board for another two count. He smashes two tubes on Radrick’s head and slams him onto the legs of a chair for another two count. Radrick smashes a tube into Veidt’s mouth and slices himself with the shards. Veidt slams Radrick through more tubes, but he manages to get the roll-up for the victory.

WinnerCole Radrick


GCW Don’t Tell Me What To Do Results Continue On The Next Page!