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WWE Elimination Chamber: Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz Result

Rey Mysterio leaves with a win.

The Miz vs. Rey Mysterio took place on the WWE Elimination Chamber Kickoff Show and he not only won the match, but celebrated with his son, Dominik, after they fended off a post-match attack by Miz.

Check out a full recap of the match from our live coverage page below:


As soon as the bell rings, Miz attacks Mysterio. Mysterio sends Miz into the ropes with ranna, setting up a 619. Miz rolls out of the ring to avoid it. Mysterio knocks Miz off the apron and lands a baseball slide splash. Miz begs off outside the ring. Dominik sends Miz back into the ring. Mysterio lands a few strikes. Mysterio goes up top but is crotched by Miz. Miz unloads on Mysterio with strike after strike. Miz takes a swing at Dominik. Dominik clocks Miz while the referee is distracted. Mysterio gets a near fall. Miz lands the It kicks. Mysterio ducks the last and lands a boot of his own. Flying head scissors by Mysterio sends Miz into the ring post.

Seated senton by Mysterio. Miz kicks out of Mysterio’s crossbody attempt. Miz tries a sunset flip but Mysterio rolls through and blasts him with a kick to the head. Mysterio tries a sunset flip but Miz rolls through and lands a nasty DDT. Two count only. Miz counters a wheelbarrow into almost hitting the Skull Crushing Finale. Mysterio counters and lands the 619. Miz rolls out of the ring to avoid getting splashed. Miz grabs a chair. Mysterio surprises him with a splash. Miz kicks the ring steps as Dominik is holding the chair. The referee ejects Dominik from ringside. Miz tries to sneak one in on Mysterio but Mysterio rolls up Miz for the win.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

After the match, Miz attacks Mysterio. Dominik makes the save. Double 619 by the Mysterios. Dominik lands a frog splash. Mysterio does the same. Miz had that coming.


Read More: WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/19/22)