WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (2/11/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
February 11, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

In-Ring Segment: Sonya Deville

Deville is in the ring with her arm still in a sling. Deville says the unprovoked attack she suffered by Ronda Rousey was heinous. People like Rousey and Naomi will respect her authority. To prove her point, Deville has petitioned upper management to fine Rousey 100k and that she be suspended indefinitely. Adam Pearce walks out on the stage to announce that Vince McMahon himself has responded to here request via email.

Vince’s email says he can’t stand it when an authority figure abuses their power. Deville’s request to fine and suspend Rousey is denied. Furthermore, if Deville lays a hand on Naomi, her job will be in serious jeopardy. Naomi’s music hits and she saunters to the ring. Naomi says Vince said Deville can’t touch her, but he didn’t say anything about Naomi touching Deville. Naomi slaps Deville in the face.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (2/4/22)

The New Day vs. Los Lotharios

Kingston and Big E work over Garza. Garza traps Kingston in a camel clutch. Garza lands multiple crossface strikes. Humberto tags in and gets laid out on the apron by Kingston. Big E tags in and hits an apron splash. Big E launches Kingston over the top rope onto Garza and Carrillo. After the break, Garza is working over Big E. Garza rips off his pants and hits Big E with them. Big E surprises Garza with a belly-to-belly. Big E manages to tag in Kingston, who clears the ring.

Kingston misses Trouble in Paradise. Big E and Kingston set up the Midnight Hour but Garza breaks it up. Kingston sends Garza into the barricade after a flying ranna off the apron. Big E and Kingston land a powerbomb/double stomp combo. Garza breaks up the pin. After a series of moonsault Carrillo gets a near fall. Kingston catches Carrillo with Trouble in Paradise. Garza rolls up Kingston in an awkward-looking roll up pin.

Winners- Los Lotharios

Backstage, The Usos attack the Viking Raiders during an interview. Jimmy and Jey steal Erik and Ivar’s Viking helmets.


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