roman reigns
Photo Credit: WWE

WWE Royal Rumble Result: Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins

Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins met in the ring at Royal Rumble with the WWE Universal Championship on the line. In a chaotic finish, Reigns snapped on Rollins, disqualifying himself and sending a message to both his former friend and the WWE Universe.

During the stellar start to the night, Reigns and Rollins who came out to the S.H.E.I.E.L.D. theme song and was dressed in his old S.H.I.E.L.D. attire — put on an incredible match, with Rollins looking like he would walk away as the winner multiple times. However, after a late spear from Reigns, Rollins began antagonizing his former friend with a fist bump. 

This caused Reigns to snap, and he promptly locked Rollins in a headlock. Although Rollins did get to the rope, “The Tribal Chief” wouldn’t let up, and the referee was forced to call the match and disqualify Reigns. Although it was over, Reigns then got a chair and brought it back into the ring. He then began to assault Rollins in a similar fashion to when Rollins betrayed Reigns many years ago. 

You can check out a full recap of the match courtesy of our play-by-play coverage below: 

As Reigns waits for Rollins, The Sheild’s music hits. Rollins is in full Sheild gear and enters through the crowd. Reigns is visibly upset. After the bell rings Rollins quickly escapes a waist lock from Reigns. Reigns lands a few strikes. Rollins fires back and sends Reigns over the top with a clothesline. Rollins tries a springboard but Reigns blasts him with an uppercut as he sails through the air. Drive-by by Reigns.

Reigns leaps of the steps for a Superman Punch but Rollins counters with a powerbomb through the announce desk. Rollins sends Reigns back into the ring and hits a frog splash. Reigns kicks out. Rollins tries a phoenix splash but Reigns moves out of the way. Buckle Bomb by Rollins. Rollins hits the Stomp! Reigns kicks out at 2.9. Rollins runs right into a clothesline. Reigns grounds and pounds Rollins. Powerbomb by Reigns. Rollins kicks out. Rollins traps Reigns in a triangle. Reigns counters with a powerbomb. Reigns drives Rollins into the post. Rollins falls out of the ring.

Reigns tosses Rollins into the ring steps before sending him back into the ring. Superman Punch by Reigns. Rollins kicks out. Rollins rolls out of the ring. Reigns Spears Rollins out on the floor. Reigns tries another but Rollins reverses it into a Pedigree. Somehow, Reigns manages to kick out. Reigns avoids the Stomp and sets up a Rock Bottom. Rollins fights out of that. Spear by Reigns.

Rollins is laughing as he is rolling around in pain on the mat. Reigns paces around the ring. Rollins tries to fist bump Reigns. Reigns locks Rollins in the Guillotine. Rollins manages to get his hand on the bottom rope. Reigns refuses to let the hold go. the referee admonishes Reigns. Reigns says Rollins made him do this. The referee disqualifies Reigns.

Winne- Seth Rollins

After the match, Reigns grabs a chair. As Rollins is standing near the rope, Reigns blasts him with the chair. Reigns grabs another chair and works Rollins over with it.

RELATED: WWE Royal Rumble Results (1/29/22)