WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (1/28/22)

WWE SmackDown Results
January 28, 2022
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (1/21/22)

In-Ring Segment: Charlotte Flair

Flair says she is going to win the Royal Rumble this Saturday. Flair promises to make history when she becomes the first champion to choose her challenger for WrestleMania. Shayna Baszler interrupts. Baszler says promises to destroy Flair at the Royal Rumble. When Baszler wins, she’s going to pick Flair to face at WrestleMania. Aliyah walks down to the ring and says she’s being optimistic but she’s looking forward to being in her first Royal Rumble.

Flair says she has no idea who Aliyah is and she has no chance at winning the Royal Rumble. Aliyah says she may not have many wins under her belt but she does hold the world record after beating Natalya in 3.17 seconds. Shotzi joins the party and says she loves all of this chaos and it’s perfect for her to sneak in and steal the spotlight. Flair gets upset and says no one has a chance at winning but her. Sasha Banks music hits. Banks struts down to the ring.

The Boss is back and she’s ready to Rumble. Banks slaps Flair. A brawl breaks out. Banks waits on the apron as everyone beats the crap out of each other. Natalya almost decapitated Flair with a discus clothesline. Aliyah sends Baszler and Natalya out of the ring. Flair boots Aliyah out of the ring. Banks tosses Flair over the top rope.

Backstage, Sheamus gifts Holland with a protective face mask.

Ricochet and Cesaro vs. Sheamus and Ridge Holland

Sheamus works over Cesaro. Cesaro surprises Sheamus with a lariat. Ricochet tags in and lands an ax handle.  Sheamus tags in Holland, who gets dumped out of the ring after a dropkick. Ricochet lands a huge dive. After the break, Sheamus and Holland are working over Ricochet. Ricochet manages to tag in Cesaro. Cesaro blasts Sheamus with a springboard European uppercut.

Cesaro sends Sheamus over the top rope. Roaring European uppercut by Cesaro. Sheamus knees Ricochet in the head. Cesaro catches Sheamus with the Alphmare Waterslide. Sheamus kicks out. Holland gets a blind tag. Cesaro tries to swing Sheamus but Holland clocks him with his mask. Snow Plow by Holland for the win.

Winners- Sheamus and Ridge Holland

Backstage, Sonya Deville tries to intimidate the referee for her match against Naomi. Deville wants him to fast count as soon as Naomi goes down. The referee says he has to call this right down the middle. Deville is livid.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (1/21/22)

Naomi vs. Sonya Deville

As soon as the bell rings Deville ducks under the rope to avoid the ass whooping Naomi is about to give her. Deville kicks Naomi in the gut. Naomi and Deville trade strikes. Deville takes down Naomi and lands a few stomps. Head scissors by Naomi. Naomi slaps Deville. Dropkick by Naomi. Deville rolls out of the ring. Naomi slams Deville’s face into the ring apron. Deville kicks out and rolls out of the ring. Naomi tries a baseball slide but it is easily countered into a reverses DDT by Deville.

After the break, Deville lands a spinebuster for a near fall. Naomi fires up and lands a flurry of offense, capped with a crossbody off the top for a near fall. Deville sends Naomi into the turnbuckle. Deville hits the Nightmare Pendulum for a near fall. Naomi responds with an atomic buster. Deville kicks out. Deville rakes Naomi’s eyes and grabs a handful of tights. Naomi kicks out. Deville runs right into the Rear View. Naomi lands her Splitlegged Moonsault for the win!

Winner- Naomi

After the break, Naomi grabs a mic and gloats over her win. Deville walks back out on the stage. Naomi says she shinned tonight and she is going to do the same when she wins the Rumble tomorrow night. Naomi tells Deville not to slip on her tears on her way to the back. Deville runs back out on the stage with her jacket on and declares herself for the Royal Rumble.


Sami Zayn’s show is now a live podcast and his guest tonight are Jinder Mahal and Shanky. Zayn complains about Johnny Knoxville and reminds everyone he is still owed an Intercontinental Championship match. Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura interrupt. Nakamura kicks Zayn in the face.

Jinder Mahal and Shanky vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs

Boogs pins Shanky after a pump handle powerslam.

Winners- Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs

The New Day vs. Madcap Moss and Happy Corbin

Big E and Kingston are firmly in control. Kingston dumps Corbin out of the ring. Kingston tries a falling star splash but Corbin and Moss catch him and launch him into the ring post. After the break, Kingston manages to tag in Big E. Big E suplexes everyone. Big E and Kingston eventually land the Midnight Hour on Moss for the win.

Winners-  The New Day

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (1/21/22)

In-Ring Segment: Roman Reigns

Before Reigns can say anything, Seth Freaking Rollins inturupts. Reigns tells the crowd to acknowledge him. Rollins thanks Reigns for getting his cousins disqualified. Reigns says it was simple. Instead of allowing the Bloodline to be disrespected by letting Rollins pin a member of the family. Rollins says if losing to him brings shame, no one has been shamed more than Reigns. Reigns never beats Rollins. Reigns says Rollins is living in the past. When Rollins recounts all the times he’s pinned Reigns, Reigns doesn’t budge. When Rollins mentioned when he turned on the Shield, Reigns looks visibly upset.

Rollins says it’s not personal when he takes the title from Reigns. Rollins will always love Reigns. Reigns is silent as Rollins laughs in his face. Reigns says he’s tried to forgive Rollins but he’ll never forgive him for what he did to the Shield but he hates Rollins. Rollins calls Reigns and his entire bloodline a joke. Reigns pushes Rollins. Rollins just laughs. Reigns pushes past Rollins to leave the ring. Reigns tries to sneak in a Superman Punch but Rollins easily avoids it and rolls out of the ring. Rollins cackles as Reigns stews in the ring.


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