WWE RK-Bro Street Profits WWE Day 1
Image Credit: WWE

Migos Accompanies RK-Bro To The Ring At WWE Day 1

Superstar rap group Migos were on hand at tonight’s WWE Day 1 pay-per-view, to celebrate in their hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, as well as accompany RK-Bro down to the ring for their title match against the Street Profits.

While they didn’t get too involved during the match, the rap superstars did get in on the celebration following an RK-Bro win, getting into the ring and joining in on posing with the retaining WWE RAW Tag Team Champions.

A full recap of the match from our play-by-play coverage is below:

Dawkins floors Riddle with a shoulder block. Ford tags in and blasts Riddle with a dropkick. Riddle tags in Orton. Dawkins and Ford mock Orton. Orton almost hits the RKO. Dawkins narrowly escapes it. Ford tags in and stunts on Orton with his smooth dance moves. Orton is very, very confused. Orton pokes Ford in the eye. Dropkick by Orton. Ford kicks out. Garvin Stomp by Orton. Riddle tags in and Orton helps him hit a standing floating bro. Ford kicks out. Ford tags Dawkins, who drives Riddle into the buckle. Dawkins turns a backslide into the Silencer. Riddle kicks out. Diving senton by Ford. Ford destroys Riddle with a PK followed by a splash.

Dawkins and Ford work over Riddle. Riddle manages to tag in Orton. Orton clears the ring and later hits a hangman’s DDT on Ford and Dawkins at the same time. Orton calls for the RKO. Ford reverses it into a roll up. Orton kicks out. Riddle knees Dawkins out of the ring.  Ford dives over the ring post and hits a senton on Orton and Riddle. Ford hits the rope and Riddle sends him flying into the air for a popup RKO. Orton pins Ford.

Winners and STILL RAW Tag Team Champions, RK-Bro!

After the match, The Migos celebrate with RK-Bro. Dawkins and Ford shake hands with Migos and RK-Bro after the match.

Read More: WWE Day 1 Results (1/1/22)