ridge holland
Photo Credit: WWE

Ridge Holland Pulled From WWE Day 1 Kickoff Due To Broken Nose

Ridge Holland ended up getting taken out of WWE Day 1 with a broken nose.

As seen on tonight’s WWE Day 1 Kickoff show, Ridge Holland ended up leaving his match due to suffering a broken nose during the bout. Holland took a stiff strike to the face from Ricochet, who was attempting an assisted somersault splash and caught Holland with his boot. Holland ultimately left the match to receive medical attention backstage, and Sheamus went on to win the match for his team.

A full recap of the match from our play-by-play is below:


Holland and Cesaro lock up. Cesaro flips out of an armbar into an armbar of his own. Holland immediately kicks Cesaro in his previously injured ribs. Holland hits the ropes and is caught in midair. Cesaro walks around the ring holding Holland before landing a backbreaker. Ricochet tags in and Cesaro flips him into a 450 on Holland. Ricochet’s knee is driven into Holland’s face. That was NASTY. Holland kicks out.

Holland tags in Sheamus and rolls out of the ring. Sheamus works over Ricochet as our referee, Lil Naitch, puts on his black gloves since Holland is busted open. Holland is taken to the backstage area. Ricochet manages to tag in Cesaro. Cesaro swings Sheamus and locks in a Sharpshooter. Sheamus gets to the ropes. Sheamus surprises Cesaro with the Brogue Kick for the win.

Winners- Sheamus and Ridge Holland

Read More: WWE Day 1 Results (1/1/22)