ROH Final Battle 2021
Image credit: Ring of Honor

ROH Final Battle: End Of An Era Results (12/11/21)

ROH Tag Team Championships: The OGK (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe)

Maria Kanellis-Bennett comes to the stage and accompanies The OGK to the ring. Jay and Taven begin the bout, but Bennett quickly tags in. He trades blows with Mark, who brings “Redneck Kung Fu” to the table. The Briscoes gain the upper hand, but Taven keeps fighting and hits the Flight of  the Conqueror, but The Briscoes dodge it. Mark dives onto the OGK outside the ring. Taven and Bennett rally and take control, but The Briscoes turn momentum back in their favor. Bennett tags in and chops Jay. He plants Jay with a Brainbuster. Taven hits a frog splash onto Jay outside the ring.

Mark dives onto Bennett outside the ring. Jay dives onto Bennett and Mark drops him with a blockbuster on the floor. The Froggy Bow nearly earns Mark the win, but Maria breaks up the pin. Bennett accidentally Spears Maria, but he drops Jay with a piledriver. The OGK hits a super Doomsday Device. The champions hit the Hail Mary for a near fall.

Jay hits Bennett with the Jay Driller, and he drops Taven with one for a near fall. Another Jay Driller and the Froggy Bow earns The Briscoes the victory.

Winners and new ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Briscoes

After the match, The Briscoes say they love the fans and say anyone who wants some of them should come get it. The lights go out, and FTR shows up. They brawl with the Briscoes until they’re separated.

In a taped message, Bryan Danielson discusses his run in ROH. He thanks the fans and the company.

ROH World Championship*: Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham

*The original ROH World Championship is on the line; the current champion, Bandido was unable to compete because he tested positive for COVID-19.

Gresham and Lethal feel each other out with technical holds while fans chant “ROH” and “This is wrestling.” Lethal hits his signature cartwheel dropkick and sends Gresham to the outside with a kick. He dives onto “The Octopus” outside the ring. Lethal continues to control the bout. Gresham rallies with a pin attempt and a kick to Lethal’s arm. He targets Lethal’s arm, and they trade stiff chops. Lethal plants Gresham with a powerslam. “The Octopus” counters the Figure-Four. Lethal catches Gresham and locks in a Torture Rack. “The Franchise” hits Hail To The King.

Gresham hits a springboard moonsault and locks in a chokehold. Lethal plants Gresham with a cutter, and both men are down. The locker room comes to the ring to cheer the wrestlers on. “The Octopus” drills Lethal with a forearm, but Lethal nails him with a superkick. Gresham counters the Lethal Injection and locks in the Octopus Lock. Lethal taps out, so Gresham wins the title.

Winner and new ROH World Champion: Jonathan Gresham

Gresham celebrates with Jordynne Grace and Baron Black, along with the rest of the roster and Cary Silkin.

The show ends with a brief vignette that says “When one era ends, another begins” before the text “April 2022” appears on the screen.

RELATED: Shane Taylor: Nothing Kenny King Does Will Stop Me At ROH Final Battle: End Of An Era