ROH Final Battle 2021
Image credit: Ring of Honor

ROH Final Battle: End Of An Era Results (12/11/21)

Main Show

Dragon Lee vs. Rey Horus

Lee and Horus feel each other out, and they trade counters. A quick dive to the outside gives Lee the upper hand. Lee slams Horus on the floor. He grounds Horus and targets his back. Horus rallies with a body-scissors takedown and a dive to the outside. A dropkick to the head earns Horus a two count. Lee plants Horus with two back-breakers. He keeps honing in on Horus’ back. A flurry of offense ends with a Spanish Fly from Horus. A body-scissors driver off the top rope earns Horus a two count. Lee blocks a frog splash, but Horus gets another two count with a tornado DDT.

A Falcon Arrow earns Lee a two count of his own. Lee nails the Incinerator for a two count. A ripcord knee to the face and another knee to the back of the head earns Lee the win.

Winner: Dragon Lee

ROH Television Championship: Dalton Castle (c) Joe Hendry vs. Rhett Titus vs. Silas Young

Castle and his Boys play to the crowd. Hendry slams Young early on. Castle and Hendry square off briefly before Young pulls “The Answer” out of the ring. The champion suplexes “The Last Real Man.” Young drops Hendry with a springboard clothesline. Titus takes control with a flurry of offense, and he counters the Bang-a-Rang. “The Professional” drills Hendry with a big boot. Hendry catches a diving Titus and presses him. “The Answer” slams Yoing and Titus at the same time. Hendry drops Titus with a powerbomb. Castle hits Young with the Bang-a-rang. Hendry blasts Castle with the title belt. Dak Draper runs to the ring and attacks Hendry.

Titus catches Young with a dropkick for the win.

Winner and new ROH World Television Champion: Rhett Titus

In a taped message, AEW World Champion “Hangman” Adam Page, a former ROH star, wishes the company well and thanks it for its impact on his career.

ROH Pure Championship: Josh Woods (c) vs. Brian Johnson

Johnson shakes Woods’ hand, but he also talks some trash. “The Mecca” quickly uses his first two ropebreaks when the champion gains an early advantage. “The Tactical Beast” stomps Johnson’s ankle and kicks him in the face.  Johnson sends Woods to the outside and gains the upper hand, fueled by the fans’s chants. “The Mecca” hits a diving clothesline and a shoulder block. He slams Woods and continues to control the bout. The challenger hits the Spike Eskin on the outside to gain even more momentum.

Woods rallies with a Suplex and a Spear. “The Tactical Beast” slams Johnson to the mat and suplexes him again. Johnson and Woods both crash to the ground on a suplex attempt. They trade stiff blows outside the ring, and they keep fighting back inside the squared circle. Woods locks in a chokehold and makes Johnson use his final ropebreak. Johnson pokes Woods in the eye and hits the Trust The Process for a near fall. “The Mecca” grabs the title belt, but the referee stops him from using it. Woods suplexes Johnson for a two count. With the referee distracted, Johnson hits Woods with brass knuckles for a near fall. Woods locks in a sleeper hold and makes Johnson pass out.

Winner and still ROH Pure Champion: Josh Woods

In another taped message, Jimmy Jacobs reflects on his time in ROH and tells everyone to enjoy the show.

Fight Without Honor: Shane Taylor vs. Kenny King

The match quickly spills to the outside as the two rivals wage war. King and Taylor crash through a table on a top-rope blockbuster to the outside. A few stiff kendo stick shots give King even more momentum. King blasts Taylor with a trashcan, but “The Baddest of All Time” slams him onto the steel. The powerhouse nails King with some kendo stick shots.

Taylor sets up another table outside the ring. He blasts King with a stiff forearm and sends him crashing through the table with a splash. The big man gets another table, but King slams Taylor through the wood for a two count. King grabs a ladder, but Taylor gets one of his own. “The Baddest of All Time” hits King with a kendo stick again. King chokes Taylor out with a kendo stick and dives off a ladder to hit a frog splash onto his enemy. Taylor rocks King with several stiff blows and hits Welcome to the Land for a two count. King and Taylor stand on a horizontal ladder and trade strikes. A nasty headbutt stuns King, and Taylor hits the Marcus Garvey Driver onto a ladder.

King flips Taylor off and tells him to “do it.” Taylor blasts him with a chair and hits the Marcus Garvey Driver onto the steel for the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor

STP and other wrestlers come to the ring to celebrate with Taylor. He then hugs King and puts an STP jersey on him.

In another message, CM Punk talks about ROH’s legacy and its amazing past. He says people shouldn’t be upset if this is the end because ROH has left its mark on wrestling in countless ways. He says he’ll always love ROH, and he’ll try to keep its spirit alive in ROH.

ROH Women’s World Championship: Rok-C (c) vs. Willow

The match is a stalemate early on. Willow slams Rok-C to the mat and catches the champion’s signature moonsault knees. The challenger is in control, and she has a counter for everything Rok-C throws at her. An Angle Slam earns Rok-C a two count. “The Prodigy” takes Willow down with a hurricanrana and plants her with a side Russian legsweep. Willow escapes the Rok Lock (crossface) and pounces Rok-C.

The two competitors trade blows, and Willow blocks the Code Rok. She slams the champion and gets a two count. Willow gets a two count with a stalling superplex. Rok-C hits the Code Rok for the three count.

Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Rok-C

In a taped message, Adam Cole thanks ROH for its impact on his career; he says the promotion is responsible for who he is today.

Violence Unlimited (Brody King, Tony Deppen and Homicide) and Rocky Romero (with Chris Dickinson) vs. Taylor Rust, Eli Isom, EC3 and Tracy Williams

Williams and Romero start the bout and feel each other out. “Hot Sauce” stomps on Romero’s ankle, and they trade submission attempts. Rust and Deppen tag in, and the latter drops Rust and Williams with a double hurricanrana. Homicide and EC3 trade strikes before King tags in. King and Homicide double-team EC3, but Isom tags in and rallies alongside EC3. King squashes Isom with a senton for a two count. Violence Unlimited isolates Isom for a bit, but EC3 gets the hot tag. He clears house and suplexs Deppen outside the ring. Homicide dives onto EC3.

King sends Williams to the outside and dives onto everyone. Rust powerbombs Romero onto several chairs. Homicide stabs EC3 with a fork when the referee isn’t looking. King drops Isom with a Muscle-buster, but EC3 plants the big man with a Jerry Lynn-like piledriver. Williams blasts Romero with a clothesline and locks in the Cattle Mutilation, but Deppen breaks it up. Isom hits the Helluva Kick and drops Deppen with El Generico’s Brainbuster. Isom kicks out of Da Cop Killa. King pins Isom with the Gonzo Bomb.

Winners: Violence Unlimited and Rocky Romero

After the match, EC3 helps Isom to his feet. He says there is no honor in what wrestlers do when he do it for corporate wrestling and three-letter brands. He says our leaders have failed us, and both Dak Draper and Brian Johnson come to the ring. EC3 tells Johnson has lost everything, and that’s what makes him so dangerous. He says this is a call to arms, as they can take this industry back by controlling the narrative. Westin Blake and another individual come to the ramp while EC3 tells Johnson and the others he can give them their freedom, but they have to fight. Adam Scherr (Braun Strowman) shows up and attacks Johnson and the others.

EC3 says this isn’t an invasion; it’s an awakening. Scherr slams Isom to the mat and plays to the crowd. EC3’s army takes Johnson and the others to the back.

The Young Bucks thank ROH and wish everyone well in a taped message.

ROH Final Battle: End of an Era Results Continue On The Next Page!