WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (12/10/21)

Backstage, Kayla asks Heyman if he’s Lesnar’s advocate. Heyman tells her to stop doing that. Heyman tries to walk away. Kayla asks Heyman what Reigns will think about all this. Heyman doesn’t answer, he just walks away.

In-Ring Segment: Naomi

Naomi grabs a mic and tells Deville to take that suit off and pull up. Deville obliges.

Naomi vs. Sonya Deville

Deville grabs a mic. Deville says she has a few surprises. Natalya is the special guest ring announcer. Shayna Baszler is the guest timekeeper. Before the bell ring, Naomi rolls out the ring and attacks Baszler. Natalya gets on the apron. Naomi kicks Natalya in the head. It’s just Naomi and Deville now. Deville rolls out of the ring and makes Baszler and Natalya surround the ring.

Xi Li’s music hits. Li makes her way to the ring as lighting shoots off her body (wow… that was an entrance) Li and Naomi clear the ring. Naomi takes a swing at Deville but Deville ducks. Li catches Deville with a spin kick. Naomi drags Deville into the corner for a split-legged moonsault, but Natalya and Baszler pull Deville out of the ring.

No contest

Championship Contender’s Match: Charlotte Flair (c) vs. Toni Storm

Flair drops down but Storm catches her with a basement dropkick. Hip attack by Storm. Flair hits the ropes and runs right into a crossbody by Storm. Storm lands a boot. Flair responds with a boot of her own. Storm falls to the mat. Flair tries a moonsault but Storm moves out of the way. Flair lands a standing moonsault to Storm’s back. Storm kicks out.

Flair works over Storm’s knee. Storm rolls up Flair for a near fall. German suplex by Storm. Flair stuns Storm on the top rope. Flair slams Storm’s head into the ring post. Storm isn’t moving. Flair stomps a mudhole in Storm against the ring post. The referee counts to five. Flair won’t stop. The referee disqualifies Flair.

Winner- Toni Storm

After the match, Flair boots Storm in the face again.

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