WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE SmackDown Results (12/10/21)

WWE SmackDown Results
December 10, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Sami Zayn is wheeled to the ring in a wheelchair by two male nurses. Zayn’s leg is in a cast and he has on a neck brace.

In-Ring Segment: Sami Zayn

Zayn says he’s the toughest man in WWE. It took Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar to put him in this chair. He doesn’t want to call it a conspiracy but… Zayn says he’s going to sue everyone. Pearce, Lesnar, Heyman, Deville, Pearce, everyone who had something to do with him losing his championship opportunity. Heyman walks down to the ring. Heyman tells Zayn he is doing his people’s shtick. Zayn tells Heyman to shut up because he wasn’t finished. Heyman ignores him. The nurses help Zayn to his feet. Zayn tells Heyman that he knows Reigns isn’t here tonight. Zayn says Heyman is here all alone and Zayn is going to rip his head off.

There is no one to save Heyman. Zayn gets in Heyman’s face. Lesnar’s music hits. Lesnar asks Zayn how he’s feeling. Zayn says not great. Zayn’s physical pain is at a 10, his emotional pain is at a 20. Lesnar asks Zayn if he really thought he could beat Reigns on his own. Lesnar did Zayn a favor and invites him to come back to Canada with him. They can go hunting. Zayn says he’s a vegan and he’s been meaning to talk to Lesnar about that. Lesnar grabs Zayn’s wheelchair and starts to push him out of the ring.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE SmackDown Results (12/3/21)

Heyman screams what the hell am I looking at because if this was three years ago, Zayn would be on a trip to Suplex City. Heyman does his old Lesnar intro as Lesnar smiles and bounces around the ring. Lesnar obliterates both of Zayn’s nurses before booting Zayn out of his wheelchair. Zayn eats an F5. Heyman looks on with a sick smile drawn on his face.

Backstage, Kayla asks Lesnar why he came to the ring. Lesnar tells her to ask his Advocate, Paul Heyman.

Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs vs. Los Lotharios

Boogs pounces Carrillo clear across the ring. Boogs press slams Garza out of the ring. Carrillo tries to scratch out Boogs eyes. Boogs spins Carrillo off his back. Nakamura tags in and floors Carrillo with the Kinshasa for the win.

Winners- Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs

Backstage, Sir Kofi is with Mansoor, Drew Gulak, Ricochet, and the Viking Raiders. King Woods appears and Sir Kofi unveils a new crown for the king. Woods says they will prove they are the greatest tag team ever. King Woods starts a “huzzah” chant. Yes, you read that correctly.

Backstage, Drew McIntyre walks into Pearce’s office. McIntyre asks why he wasn’t in the contender’s battle royal. Pearce says the list was approved by a higher power. That power also decreed McIntyre can’t bring his sword Angela to the ring tonight. McIntyre laughs and drives Angela into Pearce’s desk.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

McIntyre tosses Sheamus’ shillelagh out of the ring. Sheamus Tries the ten beats but McIntyre counters and lands his own ten beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus counts and pounds on McIntyre’s chest. McIntyre falls to the outside. Sheamus misses a diving knee off the apron. McIntyre suplexes Sheamus out on the floor.

After the break, Sheamus lands an Irish curse backbreaker. McIntyre responds with the future shock DDT. Sheamus kicks out. McIntyre calls for the Claymore. Sheamus counters with a running knee. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre hits a Claymore out of nowhere for the win.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

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