WWE NXT WarGames 2021
Image Credit: WWE

WWE NXT WarGames Results (12/4/21)

Tony D’Angelo is released next. Willams passes D’Angelo a bunch of weapons. Willims goes under the ring. Williams runs away. Dexter Lumis crawls from under the ring. Lumis gives Gargano a thumbs up. D’Angelo padlocks the cage door. Team 2.0 beats down Dunne and Gargano. LA Knight is released next. Knight can’t get in the cage. Knight climbs the cage around the second ring. Hayes is sent into the cage by Knight. Knight slams D’Angelo on Waller.

Gargano tosses Knight a trash can. Knight puts the can on Waller. As Waller stumbles around, Knight hits the can with a kendo stick and trash can lid. Waller falls into the corner. Dunne and Gargano boot Waller. Dunne crushes Waller’s hand with a trash can. Waller screams in pain. Dunne hits Waller’s hand with a kendo stick. Breakker is released. Breakker tries to break the chain on the door but it won’t cut. Eventually, Breaker gets the bolt cutters to work. Breakker hits the ring and suplexes, everyone. Breakker press slams Gargano to the other ring onto the rest of Team Black and Gold.

Tomasso Ciampa is the last man released and the match officially begins. Ciampa knees every member of Team 2.0 in the face with a trash can lid. Gargano hits Hayes in the back with a crutch. Ciampa and Gargano have a moment. Ciampa and Gargano land classic DIY tandem offense. Gargano leaps off Ciampa’s back, but Breakker catches him and slams him on Ciampa. Team 2.0 works over Team Black and Gold. Team Black and Gold are left slumped in between the rings. Dunne shrugs. Team Black and Gold stand tall and beat Team 2.0 between the ring and the cage.

Catch up on last week’s coverage here: WWE NXT 2.0 Results (11/30/21)

Dunne holds a trash can while Gargano lawn darts Hayes into it. Ciampa tries to suplex Waller through a table but D’Angelo breaks it up. D’Angelo beats Ciampa onto a table. Knight appears out of nowhere and hops to the top rope. Knight suplexes Waller off the top through the table.  After a tower of doo spot, Knight drops Hayes with the BFD. D’Angelo breaks up the pin. D’Angelo breaks up Knight’s rope-assisted BFD. Ciampa hits an avalanche air raid crash on a trash can on Breakker. Breakker kicks out.

D’Angelo barks at Waller to climb to the top of the cage. D’Angelo lays Knight on a table. Waller lands a beautiful flying elbow drop. Dunne breaks up the pin. Dunne wears everyone out with a kendo stick. D’Angelo hits Dunne with a crowbar before stealing his mouth. D’Angelo hits a swinging neck breaker off the top using the crowbar.

Breakker hits a frankensteiner. Ciampa and Gargano simultaneously hit One Final Beat and Williow’s Bell. Ciampa and Gargano meet in the middle on Breakker. Hayes pulls the referee out of the ring to break up the pin. Ciampa sets Hayes up for the Fairytale Ending. Breakker spears Ciampa and Hayes through a table. Breakker gorilla press power slams Ciampa for the win.

Winners- Team 2.0



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