shane taylor
Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

Shane Taylor On Possible Reunion With Keith Lee: ‘He Knows That I’m Only A Call Away’

Could we see Shane Taylor reunite his tag team with Keith Lee in 2022? It certainly sounds like a possibility.

Shane Taylor was the latest guest on Shelly Speaks with Jaychele Nicole to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about the possibility of teaming with former WWE Superstar Keith Lee again, Taylor says Lee knows that door is always open:
“Keith knows, we’ve talked; he knows that the door is always open,” Shane Taylor said. “The door of STP is always open. There’s always going to be a spot for him when and if he decides that’s the route he wants to go. Right now, I know he’s got things going on, as well as getting married in February. There’s absolutely no rush to anything, but he knows that I’m only a call away. Of course, I would love to team up with him and whoop anybody’s ass that really wants some. That’s any company, anywhere. If he wants us to do it, I’m in. Any company that feels like they want to bring in PBK, I’m sure we’ll talk. As long as the numbers add up, we can do business.”For those unaware, PBK is the name of Shane Taylor and Keith Lee’s former tag team, the Pretty Boy Killers. When asked about potential dream tag team matches for him and Lee, Taylor had some excellent suggestions:
“Dream matches for us as a tag team, yea. Again, and I know that I just talked about them, but I think PBK against the Bucks would be great,” Shane Taylor said. “PBK against GOD in New Japan would be great. Obviously, you got FTR as well. And although it was short-lived, I would love to have another run against the Briscoes. There are lots of legendary tag teams out there that I would love to get in the ring with and test our skills against. I feel like again, when you add Keith and myself, I don’t think any of those boys beat us when we’re on our game. It’ll be great to see.”With Ring of Honor wrapping up in a few weeks with Final Battle for the foreseeable future, Shane Taylor was asked to talk about some of his biggest accomplishments in the promotion:
“If I go back and think about it now, probably, the thing that I’m most proud of is winning the Six-Man Tag Team Titles with Kaun and Moses,” Keith Lee said. “Anytime you have an individual accomplishment, that’s great. But when you’re a leader, and you get the chance to bring your guys with you, and show you what’s that like: help them establish their legacy, help them win their first championship, and not only win it but go on to be the most successful team that the company has ever seen, that to me holds a special place. So probably winning that, winning those with them against MexiSquad, all the defenses that we had in and out of Ring of Honor. Then my TV title win, and the run that I went on with that, and primarily because it’s something that nobody saw as successful as it was except for me and the folks around me. Then of course, individually, I think of my Final Battle match with Jay Briscoe, my series of matches against Jeff Cobb, my match with Hangman Page. All of those at different times helped sort of define me and make my sort of statement as to who I was in the company, opening any eyes, closing any mouths that really had anything to say about it. ”

READ MORE: Shane Taylor: The Return On Investment Of Shane Taylor Promotions Will Be ‘Tenfold’

What do you make of Shane Taylor’s comments? Would you like to see him reunite with Keith Lee in 2022? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.