wwe nxt 2.0

WWE NXT 2.0 Results (11/9/21)

Jacket Time vs. The Creed Brothers

Julius and Brutus toss Jiro all over the ring. Kushida tags in and works Brutus’ arm. Brutus clubs Kushida. Julius tags in and lands a modified powerslam followed by a suplex. The Creed Brothers send Kushida into the ropes. Kushida surprises them with a handspring back elbow. Jiro and Kushida knock Julius and Brutus out of the ring with stereo handspring attacks.

After the break, Jiro and Kushida are working over Julius. Jiro lands a swanton. Brutus breaks up the pin. Julius ripes Jiro’s jacket off. Roderick Strong gets a cheap shot on Jiro while the referee is distracted. Julius hits a delayed gut-wrench powerbomb for the win.

Winners- The Creed Brothers

After the match, Oddessey Jones attacks Roderick Strong.

Backstage, Toxic Attraction is in the parking lot. Rose issues a warning to Kay Lee Ray. Raquel Gonzalez drives up on her motorcycle and tells Rose she’ll deal with her later. Gonzalez drives into the arena.

In-Ring Segment: Raquel Gonzalez

Gonzalez says she wants Dakota Kai in the ring right now. Kai walks out o the stage and laughs at Gonzalez. Cora Jade attacks Kai from behind. Referees separate the two. Gonzalez tells Jade that she gets Kai first.

Cameron Grimes vs. Ru Feng

Duke Hudson walks down to ringside. Grimes hits the Cave In for the win.

Winner- Cameron Grimes

After the match, Hudson grabs a mic and accuses Grimes of cheating at poker last week. Grimes says he won fair and square and it was fun. Hudson says he’ll never lose to someone who looks like Grimes. Grimes says he played Hudson last week. Hudson challenges Grimes to a poker showdown next week.

WWE NXT 2.0 Results Continue On The Next Page!


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