ring of honor

Ring Of Honor Using 1st Quarter 2022 To ‘Reimagine’ The Company, Anticipates Live Event Return In April

Ring of Honor has announced that it will be making some changes.

In a statement posted on the company’s Twitter page, ROH stated that it needs to do things differently from a business standpoint, so the company will “pivot” in 2022 by reconceptalizing itself. It’s unclear what these changes will be, but the statement indicates that ROH might be taking a break, as it did during the height of the pandemic, in the first quarter of 2022.

The statement is as follows:

Throughout the pandemic, our top priority was to keep everyone healthy and safe, and despite not producing any live events over 18 months, we were able to keep everyone fully contracted. We now find ourselves at a time where we need to make changes to our business operations and are planning a pivot for Ring of Honor, with a new mission and strategy.

The year will culminate with Final Battle in December, and we will be taking the first quarter of 2022 to work internally to reimagine ROH. ROH has the most dedicated fans in the industry, and we appreciate their loyalty and patience as we reconceptualize ROH.

We anticipate returning to live events in April for the Super Card of Honor with a new fan-focused product and provide a unique experience for wrestling fans.



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