ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (9/20/21): Pure Rules Gauntlet Match, Mike Bennett vs. Rhett Titus

ROH Wrestling Results 
Originally aired September 17, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers and previews the show.

Pure Wrestling Gauntlet Match

ROH Dojo student Eric Martin begins the match with World Famous CB. Brian Milonas joins the commentary team makes his case for being part of this match, as he has defeated several of these competitors. Martin and CB exchange technical holds, and CB quickly makes Martin use his three ropebreaks. CB continues to use his experience advantage to control the match until Martin kicks him in the face. Martin suplexes CB and kips up. CB blasts Martin with a superkick and locks in a camel clutch-like hold, forcing Martin to tap out.

Eric Martin has been eliminated. 

Delirious enters the match and trades holds with CB. They feel each other out, and Delirious has a slight advantage. He goes for the Cobra Clutch, but CB blocks it. Delirious slams CB to the mat , but the man once known as Cheeseburger drops the veteran with a dragon suplex. Delirious rolls with CB on the mat and suplexes him. A nasty spinning forearm earns Delirious a two count, but CB gets a two count with a rollup. Delirious goes for the Cobra Clutch again and turns it into a head-scissors. He wrenches CB’s arm at a brutal angle and makes him tap out.

World Famous CB has been eliminated.

LSG is the next entrant and exchange technical holds. They trade shoulder blocks and strikes, and Delirious takes LSG to the mat. Delirious drops LSG with a neckbreaker and takes control of the bout. LSG fires up with a flurry of offense and gets a two count with a springboard forearm. Delirious dumps LSG to the mat, holds on and plants him with a Brainbuster for a two count. LSG escapes the Cobra Clutch and forces Delirious to tap out to the Muta Lock.

Delirious has been eliminated.

Joe Keys enters the bout and locks up with LSG. They feel each other out with some holds. Keys drops LSG with three back-breakers. “The Ace of Space” rallies with some forearms, but Keys locks in an abdominal stretch, though LSG quickly escapes it. Keys floors LSG with another back-breaker and locks in a half crab, forcing LSG to use his second ropebreak. He suplexes LSG and continues to control the bout.  LSG blocks a superplex and lands on Keys when both men come crashing down. Keys can’t kick out of the pin attempt.

Joe Keys has been eliminated.

Brian Johnson comes to the ring by cutting a promo, saying he’ll show everyone that “Pure” is spelled “M-e-c-c-a.” Johnson takes the fight to LSG, who fires back with a springboard clothesfine and Rocket-by-Baby. Johnson gets his foot on the rope to stop a pin attempt. “The Mecca” punches LSG and puts his feet on the rope to steal the pin and the ultimate win.

LSG has been eliminated.

Winner: Brian Johnson

After the match, Johnson talks some trash and tells LSG to shake his hand. He does, but the tension is evident.

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