AEW Dynamite Kenny Omega Bryan Danielson
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (9/15/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, Bryan Danielson addresses the World Champion in Kenny Omega, CM Punk joins commentary and Adam Cole makes his AEW in-ring debut against Frankie Kazarian.

September 15, 2021, Newark, NJ
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, CM Punk & Excalibur

CM Punk music hits and he comes out to celebrate with the fans before joining the commentary booth.

Adam Cole vs. Frankie Kazarian

Big “Adam Cole” chants. Some takedowns by Kaz.  Catch-as-catch-can grappling going down.  Frankie gets tossed over the top hard as Kaz grabs his face. Cole gets back in the ring and takes a bow, but Kaz fame asser’s him over the second rope. Big pump kick by Cole. Side headlock by Cole.

Kaz rolls Cole for a pin attempt but soon has a modified arm bar/leg lock until Cole boots himself free. Cole downs Kaz for a pin before he tunes up the band. Kaz catches the leg and rolls through for a German suplex. Kaz goes for a Crossface Chickenwing, but Kaz rolls back for a pin attempt. Superkick by Cole. Two count. Kaz catches Cole after a Panama Sunrise attempt and Alabama Slams him down. Springboard leg drop for two.

Shots are traded by the two on the mat. Hard forearms by Kaz. Kaz lariats him again.  Cole hits a complete shot. Two count once more. “This is awesome” chants. Cole nails a Panama Sunrise and hits his running knee for the W.

WINNER: Adam Cole

Post-match, Adam grabs a mic for “story time, bay bay.” Hope is a dangerous thing. That locker hopes they can keep up with The Elite. That ain’t gonna happen. There’s three guys who have really gotten under his skin: Christian Cage, Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy. Next week: Rampaga Grand Slam: Those three vs. Cole & The Young Bucks in a six-man tag. “The super Kliq is back, Bay Bay!”

The Lucha Bros. call out The Butcher and The Blade. It’s gonna go down this Friday on Rampage.

Fuego Del Sol got a new car and he’s putting his wheels on the line against Miro for a TNT Title rematch this Friday on Rampage.

Out comes MJF with Wardlow. He tells production to cut his music. Last week everyone was oh so sympathetic for “Cryin’ Brian” but they should all be sympathetic to him cause he’s standing in New Jersey. He runs down Bruce Springsteen. He caught wind by the locker room that some of his words may have offended them last week. He doesn’t care. He’s Salt of The Earth and he’s a religious man so he’d like to have a conversation with the late, great Brian Pillman. He looks down at the canvas. He runs down Brian Jr.’s mom, Melanie before issuing a warning to the former. Fans can chant “Pillman” all they want but at the end of the day it’s going to be all too obvious.  Out comes Brian, but he enters from the crowd with a chair. He slaps Wardlow and then dumps him out of the ring.

We cut to a previous interview with JR and Brian Pillman Jr. He talks about how 28 years ago he remembers his father telling him about his newborn son. Last week on Dynamite he was embarrassed.  Is he going to get retribution? Brian Jr. felt embarrassed, and he’s going to rectify that. He may be college educated, but he was born feral. September 22 he’s going to know what it’s like to deal with a Pillman.

Jurassic Express and Christian Cage accepts that challenge before saying how Cole is used to losing Wednesday Night Wars already. “See you at the Grand Slam, bay bay,” says Jungle Boy

FTR (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Matt Sydal & Dante Martin

The good guys start of quick and nail a double dropkick. Dax soon corners Dante Martin. Dante then finds himself on the outside after Cash kicks his legs out from under him on the apron.

Cash and Dante duke it out outside as Wheeler whirls him into the ring post. Cash continues that attack back on the canvas. He grounds Dante with a side headlock. Tag to Dax and Dante manages to tag in Matt. High knees for FTR. That sends Dax & Cash to the outside which sets them up for a double rope dive on top.

Back from break, Dante goes on the offensive as CM Punk puts him over. Pins are traded between Cash and Dante. Sydal and Martin get stereo pin attempts on FTR for near falls. Dante gives chase to FTR. They soon nail him with the Big Rig and the W.


CM Punk notes that Minoru Suzuki was upset that his music wasn’t played in Cincinnati. We cut to Lance Archer and Minoru. They issue a major warning to Moxley and Eddie Kingston at Arthur Ashe. Suzuki Gun is on their game.

Newark goes dark as Malakai Black is shown sitting on stage. He enters the ring and notes Rosario Dawson of “The Big Show” is standing ringside. He calls her out. She leaps over the barricade as Cody enters from the crowd. Rosario leaps on top of the back of Malakai and Cody begins the attack on Black. They brawl into the crowd. Big “AE-Dub” chants. The fight wages on as Dynamite goes to break.

The Bunny is going to fight Anna Jay on AEW Rampage. Alex Marvez is about to interview Anna Jay, but the Dark Order begin to bicker. She makes it clear that she doesn’t want any of them ringside. Tay Conti appears to be the only exception as the two walk off.

Dan Lambert has a harsh monologue for AEW fans as he’s backed by MMA folks and Men of The Year. This prompts Jericho and Hager. “Judas” plays but Lambert tells them to shut that shit off. Production does and the crowd continues to sing it. Junor Dos Santos, Paige Van Zandt and others are there as Jericho calls Dan a “Fat faced dipshit, yeah, yeah, yeah!” He asks Lambert what his problem is. What America’s Top Team member is “on top?” Hager and Jericho both have had their rendezvous with MMA folks so this is nothing new. Lambert challenges the duo to a match next week in NYC.

We see Billy Gunn. He says The Gunn Club has been disrespected in AEW. They’re undefeated in tag matches across the board and that disrespect is what led them to taking out Paul Wight.

Jade Cargill (with Mark Sterling) vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsch 

Leyls lays a double leg takedown on Jade and Cargill goes for a powder. Hirsch battles with her and Sterling on the outside. Hirsch corners Jade and double knee strikes Cargill in the corner. Dropkick. Leyla has a front headscissors on Cargill but Jade powerbombs her down and we go to break.

Back from it, Leyla has a rear naked choke on Jade but then gets tossed. Leyla nails a German but she can’t keep her hands locked and Cargill kicks out. Hirsch dives onto Jade on the outside. Back in the ring, Leyla hits a running knee for 2.5. Cargill is down and Leylag goes for a moonsault press. Powerful pump kick by Jade leads to a Black Widow for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Jade Cargill

Andrade El Idolo did not give the orders last Friday on Rampage. It’s Andrade who is the Kingpin. No one else.

Back on commentary, CM Punk is giving his thoughts on Andrade’s talent before being interrupted by Taz and Hook. As Punk approaches the father and son, Hobbs attacks him from behind. Hook and Hobbs beat Punk down before Hook clears the commentary table to allow Hobbs to slam Punk through.

Shawn Spears (with Tully Blanchard) vs. Darby Allin (with Sting)

Spears stomps away at Darby in the corner. He drags Darby to the outside and talks trash to Sting before sending Allin into the steps. He pulls the steps in front of the entrance and then feeds his knees into the mush of Allin. He pulls his kneepad down and charges, but Darby moves and Spears feels the pain. Darby soon goes to dive on top of Spears but Tully plays interference. Spears continues an attack before heading out to ringside to grab water and a towel. He wipes the face paint off of Darby as we head to break.

Back from break, Darby breaks a Scorpion Deathlock by Spears by getting to the ropes. Darby nails a Code Red on Spears for a two count.  Spears catches him up top but Darby flips him and exposes the knee. Darby attacks it, but Spears tosses him down by his neck chain. Spears goes to C4 Darby on the steel stairs at ringside, but Darby stunners him over the ropes. Spears falls back on the steps and Darby dives onto him. Back in the ring, a Coffin Drop is nailed and Darby gets the W.

WINNER: Darby Allin

Post-match, FTR confront Sting and Darby. A brawl ensues. Tully tries to smack Sting with a chair, but it just angers Sting. FTR gang up on him. They beat down Darby and they nail a spike piledriver on Sting. Tully, like Spears, uses a towel to wipe the facepaint off of Sting.

Tony Schiavone is in the middle of the ring to introduce Bryan Danielson. Tony says that he knows fans would love a chance for Bryan to get in the ring with Kenny Omega. They’re interrupted by Don Callis who comes out with Kenny. Don Callis calls Bryan a “mark” because he’s doing things for the betterment of the pro wrestling business.  Bryan tells Don to shut up. Bryan wants Kenny versus him, they can worry about the title later. Callis says no way. Bryan calls him a piece of shit. He came here to talk to Kenny Omega. He thinks Kenny lost his balls. What’s he say? Yes or no? Kenny accepts. Don Callis isn’t happy.

Miro asks Fuego del Sol why is he calling him out again? He’s gonna bash Sol’s brain and then he’s going to bash his car.

Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley vs. 2.0 (with Daniel Garcia)

Before Eddie and Mox make it to the ring, 2.0 and Garcia attack them from behind. Bell rings and it’s Mox going up against Parker. Mox remains in control despite the attack. Parker gouges the eyes before tagging in Lee. Mox bites Lee’s face. Mox goes to the outside and kicks Garcia into the steps, but this opens up Mox for an attack by the tag team and we head to break.

2.0 take the fight to Mox with an impressive double team elbow drop toe hold. Parker knocks Eddie off the pron. Mox hits a lariat. on Lee. Hot tag to Kingston. Machine gun chops to Mtt. Eddie slugs Garcia. He his a spinning back fist and it soon sets Jeff Parker up for a half-and-half double team for the finish.

WINNERS: Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley

Post-match, Minoru’s music hits. He casually walks to the ring with a grin on his face. As Suzuki enters the ring, Archer drags Eddie out of the ring and begin brawling. Suzuki and Mox brawl around the Prudential Center. Mox and Minoru fight on the time keeper’s table before the two fight into the crowd and the show ends.