AEW Dynamite Malakai Black Cody Rhodes
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite: Homecoming Results (8/4/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, the company returns home to Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL for their Homecoming episode. The program features the in-ring debut of Malakai Black as he battles Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho goes into his third labour to face an old rival in Juventud Guerrera.

August 4, 2021 Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Labour: Chapter 3 (Jericho must win with a top rope move)
Chris Jericho vs. Juventud Guerrera

Jericho enters to “Judas” getting sung by the fans. Juvi starts off on the attack immediately after MJF joins commentary. Juvi does a hurricanrana, a head scissors and a leg lariat to the outside. Missile dropkick on Jericho back in the ring and Juvi gets a two count.  He goes for the Juvi Driver but Jericho reverses. He bumps Juvi off the apron. Jericho gives him hard chops against the barricade.  He throws Juvi back in the ring. “Jericho” chants as Chris hits a cross body. Two count. Juvi delivers three savate kicks, but Jericho cross chops him down. Thrust kick by Huvi. Two count. Juvi’s chest is bloody. Juvi roundhouse Jericho in the face and he gets a two count. A modified Rings of Saturn by Juvi. Chris headbutts Juvi. Juvi gets the crowd behind him. Jericho hits two shoulder tackles.  He hits a double axe handle from up top. Two count.

Jericho nails his patented double underhook backbreaker. Jericho tears at the mask of Juvi, He kicks himself free.  Juvi drops him on the top turnbuckle. He goes for a Frankensteiner, but  Jericho leaps off and converts it into a Walls of Jericho. Juvi grabs the ropes.

Rolling neckbreaker by Juvi followed by  a thrust kick. Two count. “This is awesome” chants ensure. Juvi nails a spike DDT. Juvi Driver: 1-2-no!

Suddenly, Jericho nails a Judas Effect. He hesitates, but  climbs up top for a leaping Judas Effect for the finish.

WINNER: Chris Jericho

Post-match, Jericho  gets attacked by Wardlow. He hits an F-10 on Juventud. He hits his Casualty of War knee on Jericho. MJF gets on the mic. He reveals that his fourth labour is Wardlow. He’s going to make sure it’s called by the “Salt of The Earth,” Maxwell Jacob Friedman.

Lucha Brothers are with Alex Abrahantes. Alex notes PAC should be with them, but travel issues occurred again. They’re none too pleased and Alex has his assumptions. Enter Andrade & Chavo. They talk about how these problems won’t happen if they saddle up with him. That’s a no for El Idolo as Chavo assures him they’ll come around.

Tony Schiavone is backstage with Dark Order. They’re about to address their loss last week when Hangman enters in the picture. He is sorry he cost them their shot last week. Silver tells him that isn’t the case, but Hangman says he’s gotta fly solo. Hangman walks off as Evil Uno encourages everyone to give Adam his space.

Daniel Garcia & 2.0 (Matt Lee & Jeff Parker) vs. Darby Allin, Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston (with Sting)

Darby and Daniel start it off. They go back and forth until Matt Lee tags himself in. Eddie gets the tag. Big “Eddie” chants. Matt challenges him to take swings at him and Eddie lays it in. He stomps a mudhole in him and walks it dry. Parker drives a knee in Eddie’s back and it allows 2.0 to gang up on him. We go picture-in-picture. Back from break, Parker and Eddie collide with stereo lariats. Garcia takes out Eddie’s knee once more. Mox throws Garcia into the barricade. Sting stares down Matt Lee who is toped by Darby. Moxley clears house. Flipping drop suplex by Mox. Eddie nails Parker with a spinning back fist. Mox hits a Paradigm Shift and it opens up Darby for a Coffin Drop. 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Moxley, Kingston and Allin

Brian Cage has some words for Ricky Starks and Team Taz. “Who bettah than Brian Cage? That’s nobody.”

The Elite are backstage. Doc Gallows offers Dark Order a shot at the IMPACT Tag Titles next week. The Bucks say their is no one else worthy of facing them. Same goes with Kenny. He says Hangman missed his shot and literally misses a basketball shot. They cut down the net as Kenny references Cookie Monster who is on his shirt.

Christian Cage vs. The Blade (with The Bunny)

Christian immediately goes after Blade and even despite Bunny playing interference on the outside, Cage keeps control. Bunny pulls at Christian’s leg while on the top rope, but out comes Leyla Hirsch.  She runs The Bunny off and Cage nails Blade with a reverse DDT. Blade hangs him over the ropes and we head to break.

Back from it, Blade is stepping on the throat of Christian. Blade hammers away at Cage in the corner, but he leaps over the ring post and lands on Blade, but also his knee.

Back in the ring, a slugfest has erupted. Cage nails a ten punch that goes to about 16. He kicks at Blade on the ropes and stomps on his back over the second one before leaping to the outside for his uppercut. Sunset flip for a near fall. Diving uppercut off the middle rope. Cage goes for a Killswitch, but Blade reverses. He flings off Christian’s DDT. Powerslam for a near fall by Blade.

Finish comes when Blade goes for his brass knuckles, Christian spears him out of his boots for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Christian Cage

There’s a video package of Santana and Ortiz furthering their feud with FTR. They both say it’s far from over.

Tony Schiavone introduces Britt Baker who comes out with Rebel. It’s not long before Red Velvet comes out with mic in hand. She says “red” is not her color. She wants a piece of “D.M.D.” She reminds RV that she beat her ass in three minutes. Things have changed, sweetheart. She’s 22-4 with seven straight wins and she didn’t have to cheat to win. Britt challenges her for the premiere of Rampage in Pittsburgh next Friday.

We see Andrade again. Chavo has recruited Fuego Del Sol. Chavo demands him to shine Andrade’s shoes. When he doesn’t, Andrade throws him into a garage door and Chavo threatens The Lucha Brothers to join Andrade.

Hangman is in the ring with Tony. THe Elite interrupt. Hangman says that there’s something that he’s needed to say to them for quite a while. Kenny says for them to all take a step in the ring “for a sec.” Kenny sees what he’s trying to take his title, make new friends or try to make a play to re-join The Elite? That’s the last thing he wants to do, says Hangman. Kenny calls him a “try hard” just like all these fans. Kenny says they’ve actually thought about forgiving him, but he doesn’t fit the bill. Cowboy or not, The Elite does not have any losers in our group, or failures. Hangman slaps him and Elite gang up on him. Magic Killer by GBs. Dark Order come out, but Uno and Grayson hold them back. Bucks hit three BTE Triggers on Hangman. Kaz comes out, but the numbers are too much. They take him out. Kenny holds the title in Hangman’s face before smacking him with it.

We hear from Dan Lambert. He’s gonna bring backup next week.

TNT Championship
Lee Johnson (with Dustin Rhodes) vs. Miro (c)

Miro immediately lariats Lee down and gives him several shots. Pure offense from Miro. Lee fights back with some kicks from the apron. He goes for cross body, but Miro overpowers him for a slam. Game Over attempt, but Shotty makes it to the outside. Picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Miro remains dominant with a bear hug, but Lee counters into a DDT. Miro is woozy and he drops to a knee. Lee fires back. Big dropkick. Low dropkick to the ankle. Lee topes twice and swantons to the outside. Miro gets back in the ring. Lee hits a crossbody, but Miro kicks out.

Miro goes to launch Lee with a German, but Lee nails him with four superkicks. Make it five after Miro hits the turnbuckle. Lee ascends up and he nails a frog splash. Two count. Crowd getting behind Lee. iro grabs him by the throat and Lee hits an enziguri. Thrust kick from Miro. Game Over. and indeed it is.

WINNER and STILL TNT Champion: Miro

It’s revealed that Christian Cage is the number one contender. He said that he offered to come out and help Leyla Hirsch, but she’s got “Best Friends.” He reveals that he’s gonna reveal that he’s better than good next week…”I’m elite.”

NWA Women’s Worlds’ Eliminator Match
The Bunny (with HFO) vs. Leyla Hirsch (with Best Friends)

Leyla dives on Bunny to the outside and ties Bunny up on the mat with an armbreaker attempt. Bunny frees herself by pushing Leyla to the ropes. Bunny dumps Leyla to the outside. Bunny shotgun dropkicks Leyla into the barricade. Camille is shown at ringside as we head to break.

Back from break, Leyla lands a superplex on Bunny. The two women trade shots. Leyla snap Germans Bunny and gives her knees in the corner. Two count. She has the cross armbreaker locked in, but Bunny reverses. Knee strike from Leyla. She missed a moonsault and Bunny hits a DVD: 1-2-kick out!unny looks to go down the Rabbit Hole, but Leylahas the armbreaker in. Bunny almost gets free, but Leyla leverages for more torque and she taps.

WINNER: Leyla Hirsch

Post-match, Camille enters the ring and stares down Leyla who doesn’t back down.

Mark Sterling and Jade Cargill will return next week on Elevation.

Malakai Black vs. Cody Rhodes

Bell rings and we’re underway. Big “Cody” chants and “Holy shit” chants too. The two shove the grapple off one another. Sharp thigh kick by Malakai. He soon turns that into a knee bar but Cody goes for a figure four, but Black gouges the eye of Cody harshly. Enziguri by Cody who favors the leg. Single crab by Black and Cody struggles to the ropes. He makes it and Malakai lets go after four.

Cody goes for a Cross Rhodes, but Black knees him. He catches Cody with a kick up top and Cody careens down through the doctor’s table at ringside. “This is awesome” chant. Malakai sits in the ring as Cody struggles to make it, but again, he does. Black szies him up. Black Mass. He puts his foot on his chest. Cody’s out. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Malakai Black

Cody gets back to his senses as Tony Schiavone seeks a few words from him. It sounds like Cody is going to retire. “Cody” chants begin as he hugs and shakes Tony’s hand. He reflects on forming AEW with Matt, Nick and Kenny. Now, it’s a commonplace that it’s destination viewing, this isn’t an alternative, we’re competition. For three years, his face has been on everything. Maybe there’s been ups and downs and some in-fighting, he loves those Elite men nonetheless. Daily’s Place is the “AEW Ampitheater” to him. Cody thanks the fans so much and goes to take off his boots. Black comes back and nails him in the back with a crutch. That’s how the show ends.

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