WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (7/26/21)

Drew McIntyre vs. Veer w/Jinder Mahal

Before the match starts, Mahal tells McIntyre that he has to apologize for what he did to Shanky last week. Mahal has his lawyer with him and if McIntyre doesn’t apologize they are going to sue. McIntyre says no. During the match, Mahal slides Veer a chair. McIntyre Claymores the chair into Veer’s face to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Veer

After the match, McIntyre beats up Mahal’s lawyer.

Natalya and Tamina vs. Doudrop and Eva Marie

Natalya is limping noticeably after a hold exchange with Doudrop. Natalya tags out and hops around outside the ring. Doudrop flattens Tamina with a low crossbody. Marie tags in and tries to get the pin but Tamina kicks out. A parade video with a voice-over from Alexa Bliss plays on the ‘Tron. The video hypes up the Lilly-loution. Marie turns around and eats a Superkick from Tamina. Tamina pins Natalya.

Winners- Natalya and Tamina

NXT Champion Karrion Kross vs. Keith Lee 

Kross tries to lift Lee but Lee shrugs him off. Lee tosses Kross in the air. Lee sends Kross out of the ring. Kross sends Lee into the ring post. Kross suplexes Lee outside the ring. After the break, Kross is working over Lee in the corner. Kross locks Lee in the Kross Jacket. Lee escapes. Lee decks Kross. Lee lands a series of strikes. Lee runs over Kross. Lee sets up the Spirt Bomb. Kross counters and hits the Doomsday Saito. Kross locks Lee in the Kross Jacket. Lee taps out.

Winner- Karrion Kross

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