WWE Hell in a Cell
Image Credit: WWE

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (6/20/21)

RAW Women’s Championship Match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

As the referee raises the title, Flair snatches it away from him. Flair throws the belt at Ripley. Flair pounds on Ripley. The bell rings, Flair knocks Ripley into the corner. Flair and Ripley trade shots. Flair runs into a boot from Ripley. Ripley goes up top. Flair kicks Ripley’s leg. Ripley crashes and burns. Flair works a side headlock. Flair clotheslines Ripley over the top. Flair boots Ripley into the barricade. Flair sends Ripley back into the ring. Flair tries multiple pin attempts. Ripley won’t stay down. Flair focuses her attack on Ripley’s knee. Flair misses a knee breaker and tweaks her own knee in the process. Ripley lands a few strikes. Flair manages to trap Ripley in a heel hook using the ropes.


Flair breaks the hold at the four count. Ripley surprises Flair with a  baseball slide. Missile dropkick by Ripley. Flair kicks out. Ripley locks Flair in the Prism Lock. Flair rolls Ripley into the middle ring post. Flair blasts Ripley with Natural Selection. Flair puts her foot on the ropes but Ripley kicks out. Flair misses a boot in the corner. Ripley German suplexes Flair out of the corner. Ripley walks right into a backbreaker/facebuster combo by Flair. Flair tries a top rope moonsault but Ripley rolls out of the way. Flair lands on her feet and does a standing moonsault for a near fall. Flair hits the Andrade elbow. Ripley kicks out. Flair sets up the Figure-Four. Ripley kicks Flair away. Flair goes up top. Ripley cuts Flair off. Superplex by Ripley. Ripley and Flair trade shots.


Ripley hits Riptide. Flair gets her foot on the rope. Flair rolls out of the ring. Flair dropkicks Ripley in the knee. Flair dropkicks Ripley’s knee into the ring steps. Ripley crawls into the ring. Spear by Flair. Flair locks Ripley in the Figure-Four. Ripley manages to crawl to the ropes. Flair doesn’t release the hold. Ripley and Flair fall out of the ring. Flair motions towards Ripley. Ripley hits Flair in the head with part of the announce desk. The referee calls for the bell. Ripley has been disqualified.

Winner- Charlotte Flair

After the match, Ripley beats the crap out of Flair. Ripley drops Flair with Riptide again.

WWE Hell in a Cell Results Continue On The Next Page!