WWE Hell in a Cell
Image Credit: WWE

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (6/20/21)

WWE Hell in a Cell Results 
June 20, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Kickoff Show: 

Mandy Rose w/ Dana Brooke vs. Natalya w/Tamina

Natalya takes Rose down. Rose gets back to her feet. Natalya locks Rose in head scissors. Rose flips out of the hold. Rose and Natalya trade armbars, pin attempts and submission holds. Rose kicks Natalya in the gut. Rose picks up Natalya in a fireman’s carry. Natalya escapes. Natalya tries to lock Rose in an armbar but Rose fights to the ropes. Natalya gives Rose a clean break but Rose pulls Natalya’s throat into the top rope. Rose stomps Natalya in the corner. Rose locks Natalya in a  guillotine. Natalya reverses it into a slam. Rose traps Natalya in an abdominal stretch. Natalya reverses the hold into on of her own.

Rose reverses that back into an abdominal stretch. Rose drives her elbow in Natalya’s gut. Natalya hip tosses out of the hold. Natalya hits an atomic buster followed by a stomp to the back. Dropkick by Natalya. Rose surprises Natalya with a dropkick off the top rope. Natalya kicks out. After another series of counters, Natalya floors Rose with a discus clothesline. Rose blasts Natalya with a running knee. Natalya kicks out. Natalya counters Rose’s pin into a cross-arm breaker.  Natalya locks Rose in the Sharpshooter. Rose taps out.

Winner- Natalya

WWE Hell in a Cell Results Continue On The Next Page!