WWE Hell in a Cell
Image Credit: WWE

WWE Hell in a Cell Results (6/20/21)

Main Card:

SmackDown Women’s Championship Hell in a Cell Match: Bianca Belair (c) vs. Bayley

Belair and Bayley jaw at each other before locking up. Belair slams Bayley. Bayley gets to her feet. Belair slams her again. Clothesline by Belair. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Bayley stuns Belair on the middle rope. Bayley grabs a few chairs from under the ring. Bayley knocks the other chair out of the ring to stop Belair from getting it. Bayley swings the chair at Belair. Belair ducks and rolls Bayley up. Bayley kicks out. Belair uses her hair as a whip. Bayley blocks it with the chair. Belair dropkicks the chair into Bayley’s face. Belair sits Bayley on the top rope. Belair lays in a few right hands. Belair tries to set up a superplex. Bayley pushes Belair off the top rope. Belair does a backflip and lands on her feet. Belair hops back up to the top.

Bayley slams Belair’s head into the ring post. Bayley sends Belair into the ring post shoulder first. Bayley locks in a modified armbar. Bayley hits an armDT. Belair kicks out. Bayley brings the ringsteps into the ring. Bayley stands on the ringsteps while standing on Belair’s hair. Belair trips Bayley and Bayley lands ass first on the steps. Bayley responds with a running knee to Belair’s face. Bayley ties Belair to the bottom rope by her hair. Bayley tries to lay in another running knee but Belair backs up. Bayley trips over Belair’s hair and hits her face on the ring steps. Bayley falls out of the ring. Belair tosses the ring steps at Bayley. Bayley narrowly avoids it. Belair dropkicks Bayley into the cage. Belair grinds Bayley’s face into the cage. Bayley bites Belair’s arm. Bayley hits Belair in the gut with two kendo sticks taped together. Bayley sunset flip powerbomb Belair into the cell.

Bayley pulls more kendo sticks from under the ring that are also tied together. Bayley bridges them between the ring and the cell. Belair spinebusters Bayley through the kendo sticks. Bayley kicks out. Belair hits Bayley in the back with a chair. Belair charges at Bayley, but Bayley kicks the chair into Belair’s face. Bayley slams Belair’s arm into the chair. Bayley sits on the chair and ties Belair’s braid to the bottom of a chair. Bayley laughs at Belair. Belair knocks Bayley out of the chair. Bayley tries a running knee but Belair moves. Bayley rings knee first into the chair that’s still attached to Belair. Chop block by Belair. Belair tries her braid to Bayley’s wrist. Belair shoulder blocks Bayley over and over again. Bayley begs the referee to let her out of the cell. Belair laughs at Bayley. Belair kicks Bayley’s head into the cell. Bayley pulls a ladder from under the ring.

Bayley hits Belair in the gut with the ladder. Belair and Bayley have a tug of war over the ladder. Bayley is limping her knee is in bad shape. Bayley elbows Belair in the head. Bayley traps Belair in between the ladder. Bayley slams the ladder on Belair. Bayley gives Belair the Rose Plant on the ladder, but Bayley hurts her knee in the process. Belair rolls over to the ropes. Bayley only gets a two count. After a series of reversals Belair glam slams Bayley on the top rope. Belair lays a ladder on Bayley. Belair dives off the top but Bayley moves. Belair lands on her feet. Belair hits a senton on Bayley while she is still laying on the ladder. Belair lays the ladder in the ring and opens the legs. Belair destroys Bayley with a KOD on the ladder. Belair pins Bayley.

Winner and STILL SmackDown Women’s Champion, Bianca Belair!

WWE Hell in a Cell Results Continue On The Next Page!