Davey Richards
Credit: MLW

Court Bauer: Davey Richards To Instantly Change Dimension Of MLW’s In-Ring Product

Davey Richards has officially returned to the one true sport of pro-wrestling. The American Wolf was the first new signee announced this past Thursday during Round 1 of the inaugural MLW Open Draft and with as well tenured Richards is, he’ll bring plenty of intrigue once MLW makes its return to live shows starting July 10 in Philadelphia. MLW CEO Court Bauer gave a few comments via the promotion’s website on how highly he values the big addition to the roster.

“Davey isn’t just a world class workhorse, he’s a beast, one that’s going to instantly change the dimension of the in-ring product in MLW,” Court said. “I have a tremendous amount of respect for Davey, he’s been one of my favorites to watch for over a decade and I’m happy to welcome him to our newly expanded roster.”

When Richards was officially drafted, he had a brief interview with Alicia Atout and made it clear that he has World Title aspirations. He also made it known that he received several offers, but decided to join Major League Wrestling because it is the promotion that is most in line with how he believes pro wrestling should be presented.

RELATED: MLW 2021 Open Draft Results: Davey Richard Returns To Wrestling