AEW Dynamite Brian Pillman Jr Griff Garrison Young Bucks
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (5/19/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite The Young Bucks put their AEW World Tag Team Titles on the line against Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison of The Varsity Blonds. Also in tag action are Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley as they take on The Acclaimed. Plus, The Pinnacle addresses the aftermath of bathing in a little bit of The Bubbly!

May 19, 2021, Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentary: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Christian Cage vs. Matt Sydal

Taz joins commentary. The two veterans start the match off back and forth ultimately into a stalemate. Christian downs Sydal with a side headlock and maintains this for a bit until Sydal reverses it into his own. Sydal soon hits a standing rana on Cage but CC catches him on the ropes mid leap. He then shotgun dropkicks Sydal to the outside. Back in the ring for a two count. Cage then grounds mat with a camel clutch and a knee to the back. Diving uppercut for a two count.

Matt does down Cage and ascends, only to get crotched on the top turnbuckle. He goes for a superplex, but Matt fights off for a meteroa. Two count. Matt kicks away at Christian and lariats him down for another two. Cage headbutts Matt in the mid-section but Matt maintains momentum with a leg lariat. Corner knee strike for two. Cage soon goes for a spear, but Matt sunset flips him for yet another two count. Grounded straight jacket by Matt but Cage makes it to the ropes.

Christian and Matt both miss aerial maneuvers but does stick Sydal with a spear for a near fall. Matt quickly fires back with knee strike. Sydal goes for a standing moonsault, but Cage gets his knees up and hits a Killswitch. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Christian Cage

Post-match, Ricky Starks in a suit saunters out. He is his own man, and he is gonna be front and center. He calls for the rest of Team Taz to come out. They do, but they attack Cage and Sydal from behind. Adam Page comes out and has Starks hold his beer. He gives a good fight but soon Hook hooks his leg and it allows Brian Cage to powerbomb Page to smithereens.

We see the Varsity Blonds. Brian Pillman Jr. notes that his late father’s legacy didn’t bring him into the wrestling business, but it kept him away. Who brought goodness into wrestling for him? It was The Young Bucks. Griff also seconds that, noting he once ran a merch table for the brothers. Well now they’ve changed and The Varsity Blonds along with Julia Hart want to give the champs a reality check.

Mox and Eddie believe they gotta be making a dent in the tag division. They are gonna beat the breaks of The Acclaimed. We see The Acclaimed and they say to move up in the tag division Mox and Eddie have to go through them. “Mic drop. Boom.”

Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston vs. The Acclaimed

Max Caster drops some rhymes about Renee Paquette and that causes Mox to slug the smack talk out of Anthony Bowens. The buddies start it off dominate against Caster. Eddie ends up biting Max and that gets some “Eddie” chants going in Daily’s Place. Big stalling suplex by Kingston. Tag to Mox. Caster is indeed getting the breaks beat off him. Caster then hits a chop to the throat while Eddie is on the second turnbuckle and dragon screws him down. We go to break.

Back from it, Bowens has an inverted cloverleaf on Eddie (called “The Price Of Fame”), but that gets broken up by Mox. The Acclaimed have targeted the leg of Eddie. Hot tag to Mox and he hits a double clothesline on both men. Release German by Mox followed up by a lariat and then a piledriver. He drops Bowens on the apron with his sleeper, but Acclaimed corner him for superplex into a diving crossbody. Kingston has to run in for the save.

Mox and Eddie go for their Violent Crown finisher, but Caster pulls Mox out. They down Eddie. Bowens gets tossed the chain and so does the boombox. Mox makes use of that boombox and it soon sets Bowens up for a wheelbarrow Paradigm Shift for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: Eddie Kingston & Jon Moxley

Alex Marvez is with Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko (!) He wants the scoop on Stadium Stampede, but Jericho tells him he’s gotta wait. He threatens him with “The Man of 1,000 Holds.”

Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky are in the ring with Schiavone. He says Sting isn’t the same man he used to be. Sky is a grown man, and he tells Stinger to step aside or he will put him down. Page said Sky already put Sting down and then recaps what happened over the course of the past couple weeks. He then says he’s here to take everything away from Darby Allin. He says he will be the nail in Allin’s coffin.

Sting’s music hits and out comes the Icon on the stage. Darby Allin attacks Page and in comes Sting as well. They take it to their adversaries. Darby hammers away at Page with his skateboard as Sting cinches in a Scorpion Deathlock on Sky who visibly taps. The two cowards make haste, but Dark Order greet them on stage as they have to bail elsewhere.

MJF and The Pinnacle are at dinner as Wardlow downs a bottle of wine. Max mocks Chris’ juvenile humor. He hopes he laughs himself silly. Well he’s messing with a guy who always gets the last laugh. Dax says they should be building a legacy, but Chris is in their way. He’s making a mockery of the business. A server walks in and Spears slams his head on the table. When you’re in The Pinnacle, you’re always on top.

Rebel (with Britt Baker) vs. Hikaru Shida

Rebel quickly feigns her leg injury, but soon shows she’s just fine until Shida drops an elbow on her “bum” leg. Shida pulls out her own glove and attempts a Lockjaw on Rebel, but Britt hops on the apron, allowing Rebel to crack her with the crutch. She downs Shida with a slam, but the champ kicks out. Shida gets Rebel in a stretch muffler and she taps.

WINNER: Hikaru Shida

Post-match, Britt curb stomps Shida on the Women’s Title.

Last week, Kenny is shown confronting Orange Cassidy as Doc Sampson monitors. They show Orange some footage. Kenny says as EVP, he cares about Orange’s well-being. They need him to be a mascot of AEW, not a challenger for the title. Don Callis presents OC with a deal to give up his right at AEW Double or Nothing for a match later on when he’s completely healthy. Orange slowly tears it up. Kenny tells Orange nothing went wrong with PAC’s powerbomb, but that’s wrestling. What’s going to happen if he drives Orange down with a One-Winged Angel? He could end his career, heck, he could end his life. Don presents him with another contract. Rest and have a look at it.

Chris Jericho’s music hits and out comes The Inner Circle. His elbow is still braced up. Ortiz gets on the mic and says talk is cheap he wants to fight. Sammy Guevara agrees. This isn’t gonna end until they get this match. They aren’t nothing more than a bunch of clowns. Hager says they don’t have a choice. Since the beginning, the IC have said they are the baddest to come around. If they don’t accept they’ll be a bunch of school girl bitches like The Pinnacle. Jericho says the Bubbly bath was designed to get some attention, but he heard their challenge of Stadium Stampede. Is it worth it? Was Blood and Guts worth it? The physical and mental beatdowns they suffered? Was it worth it? None of them will forget that night, especially him, because of what Max did to him. He calls his fall the most terrfying moment of his life. You scared his family, you scared his children, you scared everyone who saw it? Was it worth it? The only answer he has is yes. It was 1000% worth it. The Inner Circle accept their challenge. If they can’t beat them, then they don’t deserve to be together anymore, but that won’t happen. They’re still alive and Santana is still alive when he comes back. They’re going to piss all over their grave when it’s said and done.

Schiavone is backstage with Jade Cargill. He asks once more about her free agency. In comes Mark Sterling once more. He says he wants to work for her, not the other way around. He makes another pitch and she tells him to leave and she’ll think about it.

NWA Women’s Worlds Championship
Red Velvet vs. Serena Deeb (c)

Title is raised, bell rings and Serena wastes no time. She rolls the dice and gets a two count. She goes for the Deeb-tox but RV evades. Back elbow by Serena. She stomps at RV in the corner but Velvet turns it around and downs Deeb. Deeb grabs hold of Red’s leg and dragon screws her off the mid-turnbuckle. Picture-in-picture break.

Back from break, RV delivers two drop toe holds over the ropes and gets a near fall on the champ. Moonsault press off the ring apron by RV. She rolls Serena back in the ring for another close one. Deeb and RV go back and forth with move attempts and Velvet sits down for another close pin. Uranage counter by RV. She climbs up top and goes for a moonsault, but Deeb gets her knees up. High stack powerbomb by Serena for a two count. “This is awesome” chants. Serenity Lock by Deeb, She almost makes it to the ropes, but can’t. She rolls Deeb up for two count. Deeb stays on her game and hammers Velvet’s knee for the Serenity Lock once more. RV taps.

WINNER and STILL NWA Women’s Worlds Champion: Serena Deeb

PAC is sick and tired of getting robbed by this company. He asks Marvez at Double or Nothing, “What fool bets against The Bastard at Double or Nothing? Huh?”

Austin Gunn (with Arn Anderson & Cody Rhodes) vs. Anthony Agogo (with The Factory)

Austin Gunn immediately hits a shotgun dropkick and fires away at Agogo. Gunn continues his assault until Agogo gives him that vicious gut punch. Gunn gets to his feet but Agogo gives him another shot. The ref is about to stop the match for Austin as he’s bleeding from the mouth. Agogo pops him up for a third and final shot and Bryce Remsburg calls for the bell.

WINNER: Anthony Agogo

Post match, Agogo grabs hold of the American flag, but Cody and Arn come in. There’s a confrontation between the two factions, but it gets settled down as Agogo holds up the Union Jack.

Marvez is with the now broken up SCU. He asks Daniels what’s his future hold after a cryptic Tweet. CD embraces Kaz, says something and walks off. Kazarian says whatever Chris decides is his decision. Kaz is deciding to go after The Elite and they’re going to hear “The Gospel of Frankie Kazarian.”

Miro comes out after the commercial break. He thanks Jesus for protecting him and he thanks Jesus for giving him strength and power to dominate. He did what Darby thought he couldn’t do. Darby disrespected him, but it’s okay, he forgives him. Now he can just go home and make one of his silly student videos. He’s the champ now and nobody is going to stop him. Next week he’s going to defend his TNT Championship next Friday, but out comes Lance Archer and Miro. He tells him to shut the hell up. He recalls being the first to compete for the TNT Title and although he didn’t walk out with that title, at Double or Nothing, he’s gonna put Miro on the ground and make him his Bulgarian bitch.

Miro threatens Jake Roberts. Miro agrees that “everybody dies” but insists Lance Archer he’s going to be first. It’s revealed that Dante Martin will be Miro’s opponent next Friday.

AEW World Tag Team Championship
The Varsity Blonds (with Julie Hart) vs. The Young Bucks (c) (with Don Callis)

Griff boots Nick down and then does the same to Matt. Stereo dropkick by the VBs. They taunt The Bucks with a flex of their own. Arm drag by Pillman and a tag to Griff. Elevated dropkick by The Varsity Blondes for a two count on Matt.

Big bodyslam by Griff with a springboard senton by Pillman, but they change the momentum and dump Brian and Griff. Nick stomps on the back of Brian on the stage and then attacks Griff afterwards. They beat Brian on the stage as we head to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Bucks are still in control, but Brian hits a crossbody to take down Nick Jackson. Griff gets the hot-tag and he takes it to the brothers. Double spear. Big dive over top by Griff who rolls Matt back in for some double team action. Air Pillman and Griff covers for two. The Blonds go for a powerbomb finisher, but the Bucks break it up and bounce Brian on the canvas. He’s isolated for a series of kicks. He causes Nick to kick Matt before superkicking for a near fall.

Matt soon rolls Pillman into a sharpshooter. Nick sprays Pillman in the face with some aerosal spray. He knocks Griff off and Julia Hart gets on the apron to stop the aersol attack. She gets sprayed in the face. Brian gets locked in the sharpshooter once more. He doesn’t give up until Nick springboards off with a facebuster for emphasis and the blinded Brian submits.

WINNER and STILL AEW Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

Post-match, Mox and Eddie come out to beat down the Bucks. Sleeper on the brothers and both are out cold as Eddie and Mox stand tall to steal their Diors! It’s official: Moxley & Kingston vs. The Bucks at Double Or Nothing.