WWE NXT Results NXT viewership

WWE NXT Results (4/27/21)

WWE NXT ResultsWWE NXT Results
April 27, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Dakota Kai w/Raquel Gonzalez vs. Mercedes Martinez

Kai and Martinez trade submission attempts. Martinez slaps her way out of a head scissors by Kai. Kai tries a leapfrog but Martinez picks Kai’s leg out of the air, Martinez hits a spinebuster. Kai reverses Martinez’s slam attempt into a DDT. Martinez kicks out. Kai lands a running boot for a near fall. Kai works over Martinez. Martinez starts to fire up. Kai cuts her off with a uranage into a backbreaker. Kai misses a running boot in the corner. Martinez traps Kai’s leg between the top and middle rope. Martinez beats on Kai’s knee. Martinez sits Kai on the top rope. Kai elbows her away. Martinez pulls Kai off the top rope and hits the cliffhanger. Kai kicks out.

Kai trips Martinez into the middle turnbuckle. Kai finally hits a running boot in the corner. Martinez rolls out of the ring. After the break. Martinez gets hung up in the ropes. Kai lands a stiff boot to the side of Martinez’s head. Kai blasts Martinez with a hangman’s codebreaker. Martinez kicks out again. Martinez surprises Kai with a roaring elbow strike. Martinez unloads on Kai in the corner with strike after strike. Martinez hits multiple butterfly suplexes. Martinez hits an armDT. Gonzalez and Martinez get in each other’s faces. Gonzalez tries a cheap shot but Martinez ducks and rolls back in the ring. Martinez sets up a DVD but Gonzalez hits the ring and boots her in the face, causing a disqualification.

Winner- Mercedes Martinez

After the match, Gonzalez continues her assault, driving Martinez into the barricade over and over again. Gonzalez lawn darts Martinez into the fencing above the barricade.


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