IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/16/21)

Tonight on IMPACT Wrestling, the new Tag Team Champions in FinJuice will face off against XXXL, Sami Callihan battles Trey Miguel and new Violent By Design member Rhino will take on Jake Something.

Nashville, TN, March 13, 2021
Commentators: Matt Striker & D-Lo Brown

FinJuice vs. XXXL

FinJuice double teams away on Larry D and pick up a near fall. They try to lift D up for a second flapjack, but he elbows both of them and tags in Acey who dominates. A diving cross body to the back of Juice. He goes to drop on Juice, but the champ rolls and tags in Finlay. D also gets tagged and David is the hot tag. Diving back elbow to D gets a near fall but Acey breaks itup. Big flapjack to D. Juice dives on top of Acey to the outside while Finlay hits an Acid Drop on D for the 1-2-3.


Immediately after the W, out comes The Good Brothers. Karl says that match shouldn’t have even counted. Do they realize what The Good Brothers are? They’ve been busy. Busy doing Dynamite with Kenny, Karl has four kids at home with his hot Asian wife. Doc had a long flight. They were not prepared and they want their rematch.  Juice is happy to give them their rematch, but Finlay says they do have to go back to Japan, but they’ll have to wait until they the come back in April. A brawl begins as FinJuice escape with the tag belts draped over their shoulder.

The screen gets glitchy and Sami comes in like Zord from Power Rangers. He says Trey can’t get the job done and tonight it will be Sami Callihan who does.

After the break, The Good Brothers confront Scott D’Amore with FinJuice walking away with “their” belts. D’Amore says they gotta eat it until Juice and David come back, but they are returning next week. He sets it for Rebellion. Doc and Karl leave satisfied as they exit and Tommy Dreamer enters. He says they (IMPACT) got themselves into a predicament. Scott says that they happened to bridge the gap between a promotion that hated them. Scott gets frustrated and says if Tommy thinks handling the booking is so easy, why doesn’t he try his hand as commissioner of Hardcore Justice, the next IMPACT Plus special. Tommy already presents a card to him and Scott is impressed.

Rhino (with Violent By Design) vs. Jake Something (with Chris Sabin and James Storm)

Bell rings and Rhino comes in hard with some shots and a running shoulder thrust in the corner. Jake fights him off briefly but it’s Rhino who lariats him down. Something continues to fight on but Rhino chinlocks him. Jake however slams Rhino down as Sabin and Storm battle with VBD.  This distracts Something and Rhino Gores him. 1-2-3.


Post-match, Rhino and VBD reign chaos over Something, Storm and Sabin.

After break, Kaleb with a K suggests a team name that favors Tenille tonight, but Deonna wants them to focus on winning. Let’s not let the cliche happen. Let’s get on the same page.

Rohit Raju vs. Shera

Rohit tries to out athlete Shera, but he gets powered down with a one arm powerbomb and gets a two count. Rohit hangs Shera’s arm over the top and it’s a moment of capitalism. He rope burns Shera’s face. Shera fights back, but Rohit maintains control in the corner. Some big shots from Shera before a splash in a corner. Rohit bicycle kicks Shera then nails him with a flurry of knees. Rohit leaps off the top but Shera catches him with a chokeslam neckbreaker for two. Shera goes for a spinebuster, but gets poked in the eye. Shera collides with the corner, Rohit rolls him up and puts his feet on the ropes. The ref doesn’t see and gets the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Rohit Raju

Rich Swann is admiring his unified titles. Willie Mack comes in to congratulate him and notes that they have to celebrate the win. Swann is game for it, but not at the moment. He has some business to take care of him and it appears he’s headed to the ring.

Rich Swann comes out to reflect on the hard work he’s done to win these belts. He doesn’t like Moose nor the way he carries himself, but he respects Moose. However, “ya boy” came out double champion. He did it. He partied on Sunday, Monday and into today. Since January, he’s had a monkey on his back: Kenny Omega. He pinned him, but it just so happens it all comes back around. On April 24, he’s going to come at Kenny Omega and there will be nobody at ringside. This is one of the most important things that could ever happen to their industry. They will see who the real world champion is and who the real best in the world is. Don Callis’ music hits and out walks The Invisible Hand.

He calls himself a Rich Swann guy. He fought for Rich Swann. He was his shiny toy that he was so proud. He brings up The Golden Sheik. He recalls seeing someone having a nicer car than he did. He remembers Sheik telling him someone will always have something nicer. That was Kenny for Don. He says Rich was probably able to put Kenny’s win against him at Hard To Kill, but does he wake up thinking about it. Kenny Omega is a god of professional wrestling. The Invisible Hand was there for Kenny, just like he was for Rich. He then runs down Kenny’s wins against Okada, Moxley and Rich Swann. Don was on commentary for that and does Rich know what he hears? “One Winged Angel!” At Rebellion, he’s going to be a part of history, but in Rich’s case, he’s already written that history.

The Two Tony’s are are standng at Daily’s Place. Schiavone has a leprachaun hat on as he says the Forbidden Door is wide open as Khan runs down the card.

Eddie Edwards and Matt Cardona are having a friendly chat as Brian Myers walks in. Myers is upset at Matt sticking his nose in his business. He flat out tells Matt he doesn’t want him here. “Get lost.”

Tenille Dashwood, Fire N Flava, Deonna Purrazzo, Susan & Kimber Lee vs. Jordynne Grace, Jazz, Havok, Nevaeh, Alisha Edwards & ODB

Tenille flings Alisha around after taking a Lou Thesz press. Alisha collides with Tenille in the corner before tagging in ODB for a bronco buster. Blind tag by Susan. She gets worked on by ODB and soon it’s Nevaeh and Kimber. She and Havok double team Lee with a backbreaker lariat for two. Kiera Hogan gets tagged and Hogan is pie-faced by Nevaeh before getting tossed around. Tag to Jazz. Hogan scurries to tag in Deonna. Jabs from Jazz is followed by a haymaker. Soon everybody gets involved with a series of moves as stereo dive takes out everybody before we head to break.

Back from it, Alisha is isolated by Susan, but she tags in Grace and Susan tags in Lee. Jordynne fires away and hits a Thunder Driver for a near fall. Tag to Jazz. Big sidewalk slam from Kimber. Deonna was setting up to attack but Alisha takes her out and hits a stunner. Moves galore by the wrestlers. ODB takes out Deonna with a Bam indluded. Jazz hits the X-Factor and almost secures the W, but it gets broken up. Ring clears as Jazz and Lee trade shots. Jazz goes for a Bossman Slam, but Kimber avoids it. She doesn’t avoid the STF and taps out.

WINNERS: Jordynne Grace, Jazz, Havok, Nevaeh, Alisha Edwards & ODB

Ace Austin says he’s the X-Division Champ, the way it should be. TJP ended his initial winning streak in IMPACT, but he secures the belt for himself. Enter Chris Bey who says he pinned Ace Austin. Then in comes Alexander and then TJP. He reveals that he’s getting his rematch next week, official from Scott D’Amore.

Sami Callihan vs. Trey Miguel

Trey immediately starts on the offensive. Sami lariats him hard, but Trey soon topes on top of Sami on the outside. They fight on the stage. Sami tries to powerbomb Trey on the stage, but Trey flips free. He hoists Sami up in a fireman’s carry and runs him back to the ring but Sami manages to lock Trey in a Boston crab on the outside.

Back from it, Sami is in complete control center ring as he punishes Trey’s lower body. Trey gets tossed to the outside. Sami wedges Trey’s leg inside the ring post. Sami kicks at Trey’s back before rolling back in the ring to break the count. Trey joins him and Sami chokes away at the former Rascal. Big headbutt from Sami as Trey leans against the ropes. He flips Trey into the corner hard. Sami rests against the ropes before wrist flipping him in the oppostie corner again.

Body slam followed by a toe hold. Sami focus on that for awhile and Trey creates some space. Trey charges at Sami, but collides with the turnbuckle and Sami innovatively locks Trey in a top rope Boston Crab. Trey does down Sami and hits him with aback elbow., He goes for a springboard, but his ankle gives out. Rip cord clothesline from Sami. He signals for the end, but Trey rolls through and double stomps him. We go to another break.

Back from it, we see the two men trade chops. The two scream at one another as Sami slaps Trey down, but Trey clotheslines him and begins an assault. He climbs up top  and goes for that double foot stomp, but Sami hits a rope assisted neckbreaker and it gets a two count.

Sami continues to down Trey with shots. Sami goes for a piledriver, but Trey hurricanranas him and gets a two count. He rolls the dice and gets another two count. Trey goes for the hourglass submission, but Sami bites him on the ankle to free himself.

Big shots from sami is punctuated by a massive lariat.Big time powerbomb from Sami who locks a modified crab before cinching in an STF. That turns into a crossface. Trey shifts his leg to the ropes and breaks the hold. He tumbles to the outside and Sami follows him. Trey gets sent into the barricade. Hard chop on the chest from Sami and that gets repeated. Sami pauses to break the count. Sami charges at Trey but he runs up the steps and springboards off the ropes back to the outside to catch Sami with a cutter. Trey goes to get back into the ring but Sami holds onto him. He pushes him with his legs into the steel steps, but both men make it to the ring. Open hand slaps from Sami, but Trey turns it into a very innovative powerslam. Trey climbs up top but Sami charges and catches Trey with a package piledriver. 1-2-3.

WINNER: Sami Callihan