ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (3/1/21): RUSH Defends The ROH World Championship Against Shane Taylor

A video package hypes up Taylor’s match with RUSH. He says being the ROH World Champion is supposed to mean that you’re the best in the world. He explains the stigma surrounding the ROH World Champion. Taylor explains that someone like was never allowed to compete for the title *until now.) He says the people voted him to the RUSH’s next contender, so he knows that he’s resonating with people. Taylor says he’s ready to be the fighting champion ROH needs, and he vows to hit harder than the titleholder.

ROH World Championship: Shane Taylor vs. RUSH (c)

Kenny King joins the broadcast team for this match. RUSH refuses to shake Taylor’s hand at the beginning of the bout. Both powerhouses try to gain the advantage early on, but they’re evenly matched. RUSH chops Taylor, but the challenger drops RUSH with a shoulder tackle. He slams the champion to the mat. The match spills to the outside, as Taylor slams RUSH into the barricade.

Taylor drills RUSH with a forearm and throws him into the barricade again. Two more forearms drop the champion, and Taylor DDTs him onto the floor. RUSH rallies with a dropkick, and he slams Taylor into the barricade. The champion slams the door of the barricade into Taylor’s face. RUSH whips Taylor with a cord and chokes him with it. The referee steps in and breaks it up. The champion continues to control the match, and he drills Taylor with a kick to the face.

Taylor drills RUSH with a nasty knee to the head, but the champion fires back with one of his own. A clothesline floors RUSH, and Taylor gets a two count with a slam. Another stiff knee earns RUSH a two count. RUSH hits a diving double stomp for another two count.


Both men trade heavy blows, and they both collapse. They get back to their feet, and the battle continues. A headbutt rocks RUSH, and Taylor hits the Marcus Garvey Driver for a one count. RUSH suplexes Taylor into the corner, and both men are down. RUSH accidentally knocks the referee down, and La Bestia del Ring comes to the ring to give RUSH a chair. Kenny King enters the ring and confronts RUSH. He takes the chair and yells at RUSH. King swings the chair and RUSH ducks, so King hits Taylor. But it was a ruse, as King tells RUSH to finish it. RUSH hits Bull’s Horns to win the match and retain the title.

Winner and still ROH World Champion: RUSH

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