ring of honor

ROH Wrestling Results (3/1/21): RUSH Defends The ROH World Championship Against Shane Taylor

ROH Wrestling Results 
Aired March 1, 2021
Report by Colin Tessier for Wrestlezone.com

The show begins with a video package that hypes up RUSH’s ROH World Championship defense against Shane Taylor.

Backstage, La Faccion Ingobernable discusses their recent success and previews their title matches. Kenny King tells RUSH he could beat Shane Taylor without using the chair, the way he defeated Brody King. RUSH gets in King’s face and says the group is about pure humiliation. The group walks out on him.

Quinn McKay welcomes viewers to this “Championship Edition” episode.

Lee tells King that La Faccion is a true faction, a true foundation. King says they’re unbeatable and ungovernable.

Lethal and Gresham calls defeating The Briscoes a great feat, but he says that was the easy part. Gresham says the world is watching, and the challengers will out to outwrestle two of the best wrestlers in the world.

Pure Rules Match for the ROH World Tag Team Championship: Kenny King and Dragon Lee vs. The Foundation (Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham)

King spits at Lethal’s attempted handshake, and the challengers reluctantly shake hands before the bell. Gresham and Lee start the match. Lee quickly uses his first rope break, but the match is a stalemate as Lee and Gresham feel each other out. King tags in and trash-talks Gresham until Lethal enters the match.

Lethal and King reignite their once-heated feud and feel each other out with technical holds. King uses the challengers’ second rope break to escape a leg lock. King and Lee strut at ringside. Lee punches Lethal to gain the upper hand, and he dives onto the former world champion outside the ring. The challengers ground Lethal, but “The Franchise” rallies. He hits a Dragon screw off the top rope.

Gresham and Lee tag in and trade blows. “The Octopus” gets the better of the exchange , but King accidentally catches Lee with a kick to the face. Lee counters a cutter from Gresham and nearly pins him. King plants Gresham with a Brainbuster, and Lethal breaks up the pin after the Incineration (running knee to the head.) Lethal dives out of the ring, but King evades it, sending Rose into Lethal’s path. Lee pjns Gresham with a punch to the face.

Winners and new ROH World Tag Team Champions: Kenny King and Dragon Lee

King and Gresham celebrate after the match.

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