AEW Dynamite 2.24.2021
Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (2/24/21)

Tonight on AEW Dynamite, we get more info on Paul Wight becoming All Elite as Britt Baker faces Nyla Rose in the Women’s Eliminator Tournament. Plus, Jon Moxley is in action and Team Taz takes on The Varsity Blonds!

February 24, 2021, Jacksonville, Florida
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Jon Moxley vs. Ryan Nemeth

Before the match, Nemeth is all kinds of confident in a pre-match promo and when the bell rings he gets a slap for his athletic efforts. Crossface strikes by Mox and there’s quite a bit of them. Nemeth throat chops Mox and gives hims some hard knees, but a back drop suplex downs Ryan. Mox stomps on the left hand of Ryan and then twists away at it in the corner. Nemeth gets a boot up and Ryan fires back. He catches Mox in the corner with a shoulder thrust and then soon hits a dropkick on the former AEW Champ, Mox hits an elevated Paradigm Shift for the victory.

WINNER: Jon Moxley

Mox grabs a mic. He knew from the moment he lost the AEW Title that he’d do whatever it take to get back to the top of the hill and it turns out that’s exactly is what he’s going to have to do. What images come to mind when he hears the words “Exploding Barbed Wire Death Match?” Fire, blood, burns, torture, agony. Vintage Japanese wrestling magazines. Do your palms shake? Do you get a sick thrill? He’s an addict. He’s addicted to this. It’s a feeling he can’t get enough of. So the thought and the idea of the exploding barbed wire deathmatch is too attractive. It pulls him in even if it is a trap by Kenny. He isn’t the first of a long sad line of guys who have tried to take him out. Win, lose or draw and anybody who has stuck by him, they will know when it’s all said and done, he’s going to give them everything he has. If it all comes to an end at Revolution, he couldn’t think of a perfect way (a hell of a way) to go out.

We are shown the contention that Archer and Fenix had earlier in the week as word got out about their main event match tonight. Fenix and Archer brawl it out and we cut to the first break of the evening.

Backstage, Papa Buck is with Matt and Nick as Mama Buck snaps a photo of the three men in front of their pics on the AEW trailer.

The Varsity Blonds vs. Team Taz (Ricky Starks & Brian Cage with Hook and Taz)

Pillman Jr. and Starks start the festivities off. The two exchange arm wrenches  but Brian flips and boots at Starks from the ground. Tag to Garrison who wrenches Starks’ arm and tags Brian back in.  Starks gets tripped up by Brian’s body who dropkicks him through the ropes. Roll up from Brian gets a two. Chops from him in the corner to Starks. Brian goes for a springboard on the apron but Starks throat chops him off. Cage takes advantage and attacks him as we go to break.

Back from it, Cage curls Pillman before tagging in Starks who isolates Pillman. He hits a massive dropkick for a near fall. Cage gets tagged in again and takes it to Pillman before tagging in Ricky once more. Starks slugs Griff, but it’s not long before Garrisson runs through both foes. He dives onto Cage on the outside. He flapjacks Ricky and almost gets the W, but Cage makes the save. Springbaord clothesline from Brian to Cage. Dropkick powerbomb by the Blonds to Starks and it’s very close to a victory, but Ricky kicks out.

Ricky spears and Cage hits a Drillclaw on Brian Pillman Jr. for the 1-2-3.


Post-match, lights go out and we see a body being dragged by a car. Who’s at the wheel but Sting. Out from the body bag emerges Darby Allin who smiles. Sting’s music hits and snow begins to flurry as The Icon walks out. He’s dragging a body bag, but who does he pull out of it, but Hook. Darby Allin comes down from the rafters via a ziplin and he strikes Starks and Cage with his skateboard. Taz goes to aid his son as Sting focuses in on Cage. Stinger splash to Cage! He chops down Cage and drops him with the Scorpion Deathdrop. Cage is out as Sting and Darby stand in ring. Taz and Hook look on from the stage.

Schiavone is sitting with Miro, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford. Kip notes that it should have been a special moment, but Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor ruined it. Miro knows he’s going to get to Orange, but he like Charles. He tells Charles that he can come back to him. Come home. All is forgiven but not forgotten. Schiavone gets handed a note. Chuck writes Miro and Kip a note if they’ll wrestle both him and Orange at Revolution. Miro is not pleased.


Brandon Cutler vs. Jake Hager

JE notes Hager isn’t in a good mood as Culter takes a shot at Jake. He fires off at Hager in the corner  and goes for a sunset flip, but Hager catches him in a wheelbarrow German. He deadlifts Cutler once more. Cutler is hurting in the corner as Hager big boots him. Hager Bomb as JR commemorates Vader by mentioning the legend. Cutler kicks Hager in the mush and manages to dump Jake on the outside. He topes on Jake who then goes back in and flips over the top on Jake. Hager catches Cutler back in the ring for his Oklahoma slam. He sizes Brandon up and nails him major with a lariat. That’s it.

WINNER: Jake Hager

Post-match, Inner Circle come out to assault Cutler. Young bucks come out and they superkick him to safety as IC bails. Matt Jackson gets on the mic and calls out MJF and Chris Jericho. He wants them right here, right now. MJF and Chris appear on screen. Why come see them face to face when they face them at Revolution. Also, they happened to find someone backstage: a bloody Papa Buck. Chris tosses Papa into the trailer truck versions of Matt and Nick. THe real brothers come into the picture as Matt chases down MJF and Jericho who are driving off in a SUV.

Back from break, Papa Buck is put into the ambulance as The Good Brothers join him on the way to the hospital. We then get a recap of the Shaq and Cody feud.

Isiah Kassidy (with Matt Hardy & TH2) vs. Hangman Page

Bell rings and Isiah begins to attack Adam, but Hangman goes Stone Cold on him by stomping a mudhole and walking it dry. Fallaway slam and Isiah powders. Kassidy lures Page back in and stomps on him. The two trade shots, but Hangman blasts him with a lariat.

Hangman takes some shots at Isiah in the corner. Isiah tries to leap off at him, but Page hits him with a boot and Isiah goes on the outside. Page dives on top of him. Hangman stares down Matt before he breaks the count and clotheslines Isiah over the barricade and into the crowd. Hangman pulls Isiah back into the area of action Hangman goes to powerbomb Isiah through the doctor’s table, but Kassidy wriggles free and slides back in. Hangman sizes him up for a Buckshot Lariat, but Matt holds onto his leg. Out come Silver and Reynolds. They notify Aubrey who ejects Matt. It’s down to Kassidy and Hangman now (except with TH2 at ringside and Silver and Reynolds). We go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Kassidy and Hangman are locked up as Isiah focuses on Adam’s right arm. Hangman is on the apron, but he pulls the arm of Isiah in order to even the odds. Hangman hits Isiah hard with a rolling elbow strike and nearly picks up the pin, but Isiah kicks out. Hangman picks up Isiah, but Kassidy hits him with a step up kick. Hangman catches him with a DVD and both men are down. Kassidy gets up first, but Adam lariats him in the corner. Page goes for a sliding lariat but Isiah avoids. Page hits him with a brainbuster and gets a near fall. Karl Kox gets refernced and so does Dick Murdoch. Isiah hits an enziguri and reverse hurricanrana, but Page gets a shoulder up after a pin attempt. Isiah triangle holds the arm of Hangman, but it doesn’t pay off. Hangman goes to lariat Isiah on the apron, but Isiah yanks the right arm of Page. Isiah goes for a destroyer but Hangman turns it into a Dead Eye and gets the W.

WINNER: Hangman Page

Post-match, Matt comes out saying Page chose the Dark Order over him. Now Hardy vows to attack the members of The Dark Order that he loves. He comes out with 5 and tosses him off the stage and through the doctor’s table.

We cut to Omega, Don Callis and others working in a shop. They look to be assembling some weaponry for his upcoming match against Mox. Kenny is wearing a welder’s mask and everything before he sends Alex Marvez packing.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Tournament Semi-Finals
Nyla Rose vs. Britt Baker (with Rebel)

Britt and Nyla lock up as Rose shove Britt to the ground quickly. Side headlock by Britt and Nyla tries to battle her off. She does and shoulder blocks Britt down. Several scoop slams to Britt who bails and gets coached by Rebel. Britt seems to be high-tailing it. Paul Turner counts away as she does answer the call. Low blow to Nyla. Nyla nails her with a Samoan Drop however. Britt crawls to the corner and Nyla makes her pay. Rose sought to break Britt’s leg once more, but Britt stops her. Nyla presses her down to the mat with her strength. Britt bails once more as she favors her shoulder, but Britt lures Nyla and takes her arm against the ring post. She does the same on the guardrail and we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Nyla hits a superplex, but Britt hits her with a suplex of her own into the corner. Nyla levels Britt down and then climbs up top. Rebel goes up on the apron and Nyla uranages her down. Nyla catches Britt with a hanging neckbreaker, but gets a two count.

Harsh pump kick by Britt to Nyla. Rebel hands Britt the glove, but Nyla nails Britt with a chokeslam. Rebel gets cannonball sentoned in the corner and Britt trips her into the open turnbuckle. Britt goes for a Lockjaw but Nyla powers her up and slams her down.

Nyla gets kicked fiercely several times and then gets hit with a curcifix bomb. Britt goes for her Lockjaw once more, but Nyla fights free. Beast Bomb by Nyla. It takes her a moment to cover, but Britt kicks out at two!

Britt goes for a thrust kick but Nyla manages to nail another Beast Bomb on Baker for the win!

WINNER and ADVANCING to USA Finals: Nyla Rose

We get a video package previewing FTR & Tully Blanchard going against Jurassic Express next week. The announce team then runs down next week’s card. They also announce that TOny Schiavone will join Paul Wight on commentary during AEW Dark: Elevation.

Qualifying Match For Face Of Revolution Ladder Match
Lance Archer (with Jake Roberts) vs. Rey Fenix

Bell rings and the two men stare one another down. Archer doesn’t relent and gets the better of Fenix for awhile until Fenix catches him with a hurricanrana. Fenix goes for a handspring attack but Archer bats him down.

Archer holds Rey’s head under the bottom rope and talks trash to him. Rey soon dumps Archer to the outside and vaults himself against Archer. Fenix lands over the guardrail and on his feet. Archer gets back up but Jake grabs hold of Rey’s leg up top and trips him onto the stage. Despite that, Rey dives over Jake and onto Archer. The brawl continues to go on the outside as we head to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Archer stares at Rey who tries to fight back, but the big man levels him down. Jake watches on as Lance talks trash. Rey unleashes some chops, but it does nothing to Lance. Rey escapes an apron chokeslam from Archer, but Archer audibles with a lariat that turns Fenix inside out. Brawl goes to the outside once again as Archer sends him hurling into the guardrail. He does the same to the opposite side of the action too. Lance is in major control as he cannonball sentons into the barricade. He lets go a laugh before sending Rey back to the canvas. Flinging suplex by Archer and Rey looks to be in a bad way. Up top, Archer goes for The Blackout but Rey fights free. 619 gutshot and a diving footstomp to the back of Archer’s head.

Rey looks to lift up Lance who does it for him with a release German. He pulls Rey over to the corner and goes old school for his flipping fly for a near fall. Archer contemplates his next move. He shoves Rey into the corner and crossface clubs the chest of Fenix. Fenix fights back with chops. Archer catches him with a shoulder thrust in the corner.  He then charges at him with an elbow, but a second time doesn’t pay off. Rey avoids Archer’s attacks and tight rope walks to kick Lance in the side of the skull. Cover for a two count. Rey hits a flipping cutter on Lance, but Archer gets a big kick out Archer connects with a hard shot in the corner and hits a fisherman’s buster for a near fall. Fenix sneaks a shoulder up just in time. Jake Roberts looks frustrated.  Lance goes to chokeslam Rey up top but Rey catches him with a Spanish Fly. 1-2-nope!

Rey lifts Archer up but Archer fights free and soon hits a Pounce. Turnbuckle powerbomb to massive chokeslam. 1-2-kickout! Archer is irate.  He corners Rey for a Blackout and he nails it big time. That’s all she wrote

WINNER: Lance Archer

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